

link 7.01.2022 16:52 
Subject: not a reasonable person could have not looked at that conversation and not found it lighthearted
Здравствуйте, сегодня меня терзает следующее предложение:

"...not a reasonable person could not have looked at that conversation and not found it lighthearted"

Со всеми этими отрицаниями очень нелегко докопаться до логики того, что на самом деле сказал автор, хотя по смыслу нет сомнений, что он имел в виду: "...ни один нормальный человек не подумал бы, что это был серьёзный разговор".

Не сказал ли он неправильно, или нет?



link 7.01.2022 17:35 
ну да, - ...ни один разумный человек не воспринял бы этот разговор всерьез

в ссылке https://www.timesofisrael.com/out-of-context-nonsense-jon-stewart-says-he-never-accused-rowling-of-antisemitism/

помимо приведенной, есть несколько иная формулировка -

“There is no reasonable person that could have watched it and not seen it as a light-hearted conversation amongst colleagues and chums, having a laugh, enjoying ourselves,” said Stewart.


link 7.01.2022 17:51 
The author seems to be "tying himself in knots". Or rather, nots! However, you've only shown part of the sentence. Please show the full sentence and paragraph.


link 7.01.2022 17:57 
KOMno3etc: If it's from the source identified by leka11, you've misquoted it twice.


link 7.01.2022 17:58 
johnstephenson, as far as the logic of it goes, this is complete. But here's the full paragraph:

"So I would just like to say that none of that is true, and not a reasonable person could not have looked at that conversation and not found it lighthearted."


link 7.01.2022 19:37 
leka11 +1

KOMno3uTOP: The version you have is badly-written -- there are too many 'not's, resulting in a double-negative. That's why you (and I) don't understand it.

"none of that is true, and not a reasonable person could not have looked at that conversation and not found it lighthearted." should read:

"none of that is true, and no reasonable person could have looked at that conversation and not found it lighthearted."

-- as leka11 suggests. My guess is that either:

* the speaker has expressed himself badly to your source; or

* your source has misquoted him -- as often happens, for example, when newspapers report stories they've been given by news agencies.

 wise crocodile

link 8.01.2022 8:22 

I'm curious: is this sentence confusing to a native English speaker? I mean, may you interpret "lighthearted" not as an antonym of "serious," but rather as an antonym of acrimonious? Because my first though was that their conversation was quite friendly, i.e. they did not quarrel


link 8.01.2022 10:32 
wise crocodile, если смотреть более широкий контекст, то понятно, чтоДж.Стюарт говорит, что он не обвинял Дж.Роулинг в антисемитизме, весь разговор был несерьезным, шутейным. тут не совсем о том, что " they did not quarrel"

повторю свою ссылку

http://www.timesofisrael.com/out-of-context-nonsense-jon-stewart-says-he-never-accused-rowling-of-antisemitism/ (

статья - ‘Out of context nonsense’: Jon Stewart says he never accused Rowling of antisemitism) " Comedian Jon Stewart said Wednesday that he was clearly joking during a recent podcast conversation about “Harry Potter,” and said he does not consider author J.K. Rowling to be antisemitic in any way"

 wise crocodile

link 8.01.2022 10:46 

С контекстом все конечно понятно. Но мне любопытно (с чисто лингвистической точки зрения) может ли нейтив прочесть ее так, как ее прочел я, не имея контекста


link 8.01.2022 13:43 
Спасибо всем за старания, я наверное, неточно задал вопрос. Мне интересна логика этого предложения (not + not + not). То, что автор имел в виду, было понятно с самого начала

 Amor 71

link 8.01.2022 15:33 
Не там логику ищете.

Ни один разумный человек не мог бы, послушав эту беседу, не воспринять ее легкомысленной.

И понятно, и без логики.


link 8.01.2022 16:03 
Без логики оно всегда понятнее

 wise crocodile

link 8.01.2022 16:18 
Применительно к беседе lighthearted у меня автоматом в голове переводится как "непринужденный", т.е. легкая, доброжелательная, раскованная манера общения, так что без контекста я бы не понял, что сказанное ими should not be taken seriously

 Amor 71

link 8.01.2022 17:08 
С первоначальным куцым контекстом я бы тоже не понял, в каком смысле слово использовано. А вот ""So I would just like to say that none of that is true" уже пролило свет на обстоятельство, при котором было высказано.


link 8.01.2022 17:20 
Я же про контекст еще в самом начале сказал, что вполне понятно, что он имел в виду. Меня интересует ненавистная логика/грамматика. А логика намекает, что раз почти никто не понял вопроса, значит я что-то не так делаю

 Amor 71

link 8.01.2022 17:24 
Однако, то, что понятно вам, непонятно нам. Как же можем помочь с ответом, если даже полное предложение не видим?

 Amor 71

link 8.01.2022 17:25 
Даже Джона сконфузили поначалу.


link 8.01.2022 17:39 
Даже Джона?

Вот же оно, полное:

"So I would just like to say that none of that is true, and not a reasonable person could not have looked at that conversation and not found it lighthearted."

 Amor 71

link 8.01.2022 17:42 
Это было потом. А поначалу Джон не знал, как ответить, поэтому написал "The author seems to be "tying himself in knots". Or rather, nots! However, you've only shown part of the sentence. Please show the full sentence and paragraph."


link 8.01.2022 17:52 
ну, начальная часть не принципиальна, я не хотел насыпать лишней информации. А вопрос потому и задал, что самому нелегко разобраться

 Amor 71

link 8.01.2022 18:18 
Я просто говорю, что нам перед мониторами очень трудно разобраться, в чем дело, если контекст небольшой и не передает смысл целиком. Поэтому многие, и тот же джон, постоянно повторяют "дай контекст!".


link 8.01.2022 19:24 
Amor 71,

Ну, это правильно, в реальной жизни без контекста - никуда. Просто именно в этом случае мой вопрос был как раз о (возможном) значении вне контекста. В любом случае, я благодарен всем, кто откликнулся


link 8.01.2022 19:37 
wise crocodile: ** is this sentence confusing to a native English speaker? **

It depends on which sentence you're talking about. If you're talking about the asker's initial quotation (also shown in the Times of Israel article), yes, it is confusing to a native English speaker -- because it's written incorrectly (ungrammatically) and so doesn't make any sense. That's because the Times of Israel has written it incorrectly.

In order to understand it you firstly have to 'translate' this incorrect version into correct English. You then end up with the correct version -- either:

* leka11's version at 20:35: “There is no reasonable person that could have watched it and not seen it as a light-hearted conversation amongst colleagues and chums, having a laugh, enjoying ourselves,” said Stewart."; or

* my version at 22:37: "none of that is true, and no reasonable person could have looked at that conversation and not found it lighthearted ......".

The wording in leka11's suggested иная формулировка and my version are slightly different, but they mean exactly the same. Although they contain a [one] double-negative, this is a common construction in English. However, the asker's/Times of Israel version doesn't make sense, partly because it contains too many not's, resulting in one-and-a-half double-negatives. The meaning in Russian of the corrected иная формулировка provided by leka11 (and also of my version) is as given by leka11 at 20:35.

leka11 says at 20:35 that "помимо приведенной, есть несколько иная формулировка" -- but in fact the "приведенная формулировка" he refers to (as quoted by the asker and given by the Times of Israel article) doesn't make any sense in English.

So would a native English speaker understand the quotation provided by the asker and the Times of Israel article? No. Even if you add the context, they still wouldn't understand it. They'd just be confused by it and would have to ask themselves: "What's the author trying to say?"


link 8.01.2022 19:50 

I wasn't quoting Times of Israel, I got it from the original video, so the quote is authentic. That is not to say it's grammatically or stylistically correct.


link 8.01.2022 19:51 
wise crocodile: ** may you interpret "lighthearted" not as an antonym of "serious," but rather as an antonym of acrimonious? Because my first though was that their conversation was quite friendly, i.e. they did not quarrel **

In this case it mainly means 'not said seriously' / 'said just for fun' / 'said as a joke' / 'said for humour', but with the secondary implication that, when he said it, he wasn't trying to be nasty/acrimonious towards Rowling.


link 8.01.2022 19:53 
KOMno3uTOP: Who transcribed the video? Or has the quote been taken from the subtitles to a video? And have you got a link to it?


link 8.01.2022 20:16 

In case your hearing is better than mine, here is the original video. The part in question starts at around 2:19



link 8.01.2022 20:32 
KOMno3uTOP: I doubt whether my hearing's any better than yours, but I listened to it anyway. Yeah, Stewart got the beginning and middle of his sentence slightly wrong by putting in too many not's.


link 8.01.2022 20:38 
"I wasn't quoting Times of Israel,"

это не Вы цитировали Times of Israel))), а ToI цитировали исходное видео, дословно, тот же текст звучит и в Вашей ссылке с youtube

в поисках контекста, которого Вы не дали, первое, что я выловила, была ссылка на Times of Israel)))

ToI -

“Let me just say this, super clearly, as clearly as I can: Hello, my name is Jon Stewart, I do not think J.K. Rowling is antisemitic, I did not accuse her of being antisemitic, I do not think that the ‘Harry Potter’ movies are antisemitic,” he said. “I really love the Harry Potter movies. Probably too much for a gentleman of my considerable age.

So I would just like to say that none of that is true, and not a reasonable person could not have looked at that conversation and not found it lighthearted.”


link 8.01.2022 20:52 
leka11 +1

Yes, Stewart got his words slightly mixed up, and the ToI (and no doubt other news outlets and websites) have simply reported what he said word-for-word in quotation marks, without correcting it.

Stewart should have gone to see his local Grammar Wizard before giving the interview!


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