

link 31.03.2021 18:14 
Subject: the spike and purge study
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Речь идет об исследовании, подтверждающем отсутствии мутагенности в веществе,

From the the spike and purge study it can be concluded...that is non-mutagenic.

Рабочий вариант:

исследование методом добавления и продувки


link 31.03.2021 20:34 
Судя по всему, имеются синонимы:

A common method known as "spike and purge testing," "fate and purge" or "impurity fate mapping" is applied to monitor the purging capability...


link 31.03.2021 20:37 

а также некоторое объяснение:

A common method is “impurity fate mapping,” or “spike and purge testing,” to monitor the purging capability of a synthetic process. This testing involves spiking the impurity—for example, to a level of several thousand parts per million—where it occurs and then tracking it through the synthesis. Considerable time and effort are put into developing analytical methods to track impurities. Showing that the GTI is effectively purged by the end of the process allows a specification limit to be set at the point where the impurity appears.


т.е. вряд ли продувка, скорее очистка


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