

link 16.06.2020 11:12 
Subject: Иконопись
Коллеги, кто-нибудь сталкивался с переводом иконописных терминов? Я запнулся на термине "смесоипостасная икона" . В словарях не нашёл.  Можно ли перевести термин как Multi  hypostasis icon или Mixed hypostasis?

Прим. - слово «ипостась» означает сущность бытия или форму, способ его проявления. Название «смесоипостасная» дано потому, что лики Бога-Отца, Бога-Сына и Святого Духа на иконе не отличаются друг от друга. Все лица сведены в один образ: глаза центрального лика принадлежат одновременно ещё двум, расположенным справа и слева.

 Amor 71

link 16.06.2020 11:45 
Especially in the 15th century, and in the less public form of  illuminated manuscripts , there was experimentation with many solutions to the issues of depicting the three persons of the Trinity. The depiction of the Trinity as three  identical  persons is rare, because each person of the Trinity is considered to have distinct attributes. Nonetheless, the earliest known depiction of  God the Father  as a human figure, on the 4th century  Dogmatic Sarcophagus , shows the Trinity as three similar bearded men creating  Eve  from  Adam , probably with the intention of affirming the  consubstantiality  recently made  dogma  in the  Nicene Creed . There are many similar sarcophagi, and occasional images at intervals until a revival of the iconography in the 15th century. [10]  The depiction was finally formally condemned by  Pope Benedict XIV  in the 18th century. [11]  Even rarer is the depiction of the Trinity as a single anthropoid figure with three faces (Latin "Vultus Trifons"), because the Trinity is defined as three persons in one Godhead, not one person with three attributes (this would imply  Modalism , which is defined as  heresy  in traditional  Orthodox Christianity ). Such "Cerberus" depictions of the Trinity as three faces on one head were mainly made among Catholics during the 15th to 17th centuries, but were condemned after the Catholic  Council of Trent , and again by  Pope Urban VIII  in 1628, [12]  and many existing images were destroyed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Trinity_in_art


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