

link 3.04.2017 19:39 
Subject: In keeping with his anti-statist philosophy, Mr.Murdoch hands very little of his profits to governments. gen.
In keeping with his anti-statist philosophy, Mr.Murdoch hands very little of his profits to governments.
Помощи плс


link 3.04.2017 19:46 
а в чем конкретно затруднение?

антистатист - антипод/антагонист/антоним статиста.
Мурдыч (например, или Мёрдох, чем не хуже) не хочет быть стадом, вертит власть на одном месте, кидая ея на налоги.
молодесцт. так на его месте поступил бы каждый.


link 3.04.2017 21:03 
кроко, а анализ про герундий игде? раз человеку неохота домашку самому делать
см. задание № 8


link 3.04.2017 21:29 
Сказ о Крокодиле, Герундии и Партиципе Айнс.


link 3.04.2017 21:34 
statist - "государственник"


link 3.04.2017 22:30 
не любит он "государственную машину"

не жалует он ее )


link 3.04.2017 22:45 
Good detective work, Erdferkel.

Yes, if you search for all seven English quotes that this asker has posted since joining MT on 27th March, you'll find that every one is an exercise from a students' homework website:


So someone simply wants us to do his homework for him....

Perhaps we should rename Multitran 'Multihomework'...? Or maybe 'Multicheating'...?


link 4.04.2017 7:01 
johnstephenson, you are absolutely right.
Yesterday's message from Rimma Brakha (translate 10 pages for me, and you'll be rewarded by supreme forces') looks quite like 'multicheating'.


link 4.04.2017 12:24 
Susan: Yes! And how can you "проверить правильность перевода [на английский]" if they don't even show the Russian...?

Not long ago there was a character on here who, several times a day, kept posting huge chunks of a very complex report about isotopes. He wanted people to translate it for him (free of charge, of course), claiming it was needed "ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО!!!" -- "BY TOMORROW MORNING!!!" -- but he'd been saying this for three days....

He eventually admitted he wasn't a translator at all but was "an English teacher" -- but, strangely, he didn't seem to know how to translate any of the English words in it, even very simple ones. And his report, he said, was.... 80 pages long!

"Please do my work for me free of charge while I go sunbathing, and I'll claim the credit for it".


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