

link 9.02.2017 7:50 
Subject: goes in your lap gen.
День добрый! Нужна помощь.

Двое ученых, работающие над созданием атомной бомбы обсуждают следующую ситуацию:

Один из них обнаружил, что взрывчатые материалы в детонаторе бомбы наполнены маленькими пузырьками воздуха. Так что вместо того, что бы отложить испытания и переделать взрыватели, он провел всю ночь, заделывая воздушные пузыри с помощью бормашины. Утром он встречает коллегу, тот спрашивает, как его бормашина, второй усмехается и говорит.

You don't worry about it. I mean, if 50 pounds of explosives goes in your lap, you won't know it.

что такое goes in your lap в данном случае?

Заранее спасибо.


link 9.02.2017 7:55 
Видимо, полностью было бы goes off: "когда 25 кило взрывчатки сдетонируют у тебя на коленях, то ты об этом даже не успеешь узнать".


link 9.02.2017 8:45 
Или, наверное, можно сказать "под носом".

 Oleg Sollogub

link 9.02.2017 9:17 
взорвется у тебя на коленке

Нет смысла об этом волноваться. Если 20 кило взрывчатки шарахнет у тебя на коленке, ты об этом даже не узнаешь.


link 9.02.2017 17:44 
It looks as though there's a word missing after 'goes' -- 'goes OFF', ie explodes.


link 9.02.2017 17:54 
it is not missing per se, it is just a colloquial omission - the quote is from a published work.


link 9.02.2017 18:51 
Hmmm... I can see that's what's written in the book, but I've never heard of a bomb/explosives just 'going' before. Does that mean 'explodes and goes INTO your lap', then? Or is 'to go in your lap' an Americanism? If not, the author should be dragged outside and shot.


link 9.02.2017 19:40 
it just goes.

sf. I said she's a hussy and she just went mad / went off mad


link 9.02.2017 19:58 
Strange.... Well, I'm getting my bullets ready here. Plus some extra ones for the author's Inglish teecher.... :-)


link 9.02.2017 20:07 
goes in your lap = goes off while in your lap


link 9.02.2017 20:12 
shumov: PS: 'went OFF mad'? What's that got to do with 'went mad'?!? I can't cope with this, I think I need a triple gin & tonic....


link 9.02.2017 20:24 
BBR No3 and a full-fat Fever Tree for me! Leave the lemon out please.

'Poor Bet! She went to see the Body, to speak to who it was,' replied Chitling, his countenance falling more and more, 'and went off mad, screaming and raving, and beating her head against the boards; so they put a strait-weskut on her and took her to the hospital--and there she is.'


link 9.02.2017 20:40 
Kistiakowsky: Yeah and I used sharp tools. I was completely confident. Besides, you don’t worry about it. I mean if fifty pounds of explosive goes [off] in your lap, you have no worries.


link 9.02.2017 20:41 
Oliver Twist? 'Went off mad'? A 'strait-weskut'? Good to know you're using modern-day English!


link 9.02.2017 20:49 
One doth nat simplye 'return to regular lyfe' aftir an academique conference. (c)


link 9.02.2017 21:05 
Ha! Ha!


link 9.02.2017 21:23 
muzungu: So 'goes in your lap' could originate from this Kistiakowsy character, except that his error was corrected by his editor/copywriter. Presumably in the case of the asker's article, the editor was on holiday when the author wrote it!


link 9.02.2017 23:30 
could it be an American thing? After all Kistiakowsky was already living in the US for nearly 60 years by the time he gave that interview.

It made another appearance more recently:

WASHINGTON: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's campaign accused the White House of minimizing the threat poised by ISIS and allowing the danger to increase under Democratic President Barack Obama.

"Diminishing the threat the Obama administration has allowed to materialize on its watch puts us all at risk and is another reminder that we need new leadership in the fight against radical Islamic terrorism," Trump spokesman Jason Miller said in a statement.

The statement followed a weekend in which a bomb went in New York City's Chelsea neighborhood, injuring 29 people, and another explosive device was found nearby.


link 10.02.2017 5:57 
пришла к выводу, что сокрее автор взял неотредактированную версию интервью кистяковского ненамеренно, в смысле - не с целью передать речь эмигранта, так что не стану этим заморачиваться и я.
спасибо большое за помощь!


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