

link 8.06.2016 6:51 
Subject: for rent gen.
Заявка на получение каких-то пособий.
Enter all other income received in 2015. Other income includes (but is not limited to) rental income, rent from boarders, income from estates or trusts, alimony, child support payments, gambling winnings, taxable and non taxable dividends, cancellation of debt and monetary support received from 
family/friends for rent.

Всё понятно кроме последних двух слов "for rent". Погашение задолженности и денежная помощь, полученная от семьи и друзей в долг?


link 8.06.2016 6:53 
Денежные средства, полученные от членов семьи/ друзей на оплату аренды


link 8.06.2016 7:58 
Да, спасибо, тоже приходило в голову, но было непонятно, почему такая узкая специализация.


link 8.06.2016 15:03 
As others have said, it's when family members and friends stay with you and pay you towards the cost of the electricity, food, heating etc -- as though they were paying rent to a landlord.


link 8.06.2016 15:44 
Интнресно, family members and friends хотели чтобы сумма помощи не засвечивалась, и, вместо вручения ее в руки, заплатили за жилье. И тут ее нужно декларировать :((((

 Amor 71

link 9.06.2016 0:02 
johnstephenson, if they stay and pay to a landlord that has nothing to do with person's income. Here is about direct financial support from relatives to pay rent.


link 9.06.2016 0:47 
Лида +1
**почему такая узкая специализация**
а alimony или child support почему вам не показались "узкой специализацией"?

Amor, "financial support", received from friends or relatives, is a part of total household income. It doesn't matter, whether friends or relatives live with an individual, or not. And it doesn't matter whether they pay directly (to a landlord), or make indirect payment.

 Amor 71

link 9.06.2016 1:00 
one more time:
if they "stay and pay to a landlord" they pay for their stay to the landlord directly, and the person seeking financial support has nothing to do with that transaction.


link 10.06.2016 10:40 
Amor 71: I'm not talking about relatives of yours staying with you and paying money to s.o. else who's a landlord (though why would they do that?) -- I'm talking about relatives coming to stay with you and paying YOU money AS THOUGH you were their landlord.

In the UK, at least, if you're claiming a state benefit or paying your taxes, that counts as an income.

 Amor 71

link 10.06.2016 13:50 
I am saying that "support received from 
family/friends for rent" just means getting money from them without staying together. Because, if they stay nobody can say are they supporting or just paying their share even that share is 100%.


link 10.06.2016 15:02 
Sorry, Amor 71, for once I don't understand you at all! Why would family/friends give you "monetary support ...... for rent" if they weren't living with you?

Can you rephrase it?


link 10.06.2016 16:43 
johnstephenson on **Why would family/friends**

because Amor may be short of money due to illness, unemployment, disability... He has to show all sources of his income to be eligible for certain social benefits, tax credits etc.


link 10.06.2016 17:26 
Amor 71 & Yippie -- Ah, now I understand. I must have forgotten to take my anti-stupidity tablets this morning. Yes, you're right and I'm wrong. That makes more sense as the writer has already referred to 'rental income'.


link 10.06.2016 22:13 
But thinking about it, why would the benefits agency (or whoever's written this) say that they specifically wanted to be told of "monetary support received from family/friends FOR RENT"? Surely they'd want to know about ALL monetary support received by the claimant from his/her family/friends, wouldn't they? Why only for rent? What if the family/friends are sending the claimant money for food, or for petrol, or for clothes? Does this mean that the organisation doesn't want to know about any of these?

So I'm still not sure about the exact meaning of 'for rent' here. If it means what Amor 71 and Yippie think it means, the authors could have used a less ambiguous phrase, such as 'towards your rent' or 'to help you pay your rent'. I don't think a government benefits department, for example, would write something as ambiguous as this, as the claim form would constitute a legal document, and so the English in it would have to be 'water-tight' -- unambiguous.

Asker: Who exactly has written this form, which country does it relate to, and what sort of пособие are they talking about?


link 11.06.2016 3:05 
"Why only for rent?"
There are more things in heaven and earth, johnstephenson,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy. :)

yep.. Should be: "any and all living expenses". Looks like the authors never take anti-stupidity tablets :)

 Amor 71

link 11.06.2016 12:09 
Those application forms are created by the bureaucrats not by the lawyers and they are not intended to be used in court. Also they are asking about major sources of income not any. Some sums are not taxable at all and can be ignored (up to 600 dollars). Like you mentioned gas for a car or closes. Nobody is able to keep track on every dollar they get from someone.


link 11.06.2016 14:05 
You tell the UK Benefits Agency that -- they want to know about everything! You could be right, though. "Ours (is) not to reason why", we just have to translate.



link 11.06.2016 14:57 
Why we are not talking about England vs Russia football match?


link 11.06.2016 15:14 
I'm refusing to watch it because of the behaviour of English 'fans' over the past two days. These immature little boys are morons. I almost hope Russia win.


link 11.06.2016 19:49 
So, you've never been an 'immature little boy', haven't you?


link 11.06.2016 23:27 
I WAS an immature little boy when I was at primary school, but then I grew up. And I've certainly never attacked passers-by or attacked the police as these England 'fans' (for which read 'idiots') have been doing.

Anyway, this is digressing from the subject of the thread (тема), so I won't go on!


link 12.06.2016 12:36 
the asker is not with us anymore
bye, thread...


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