

link 16.02.2012 7:31 
Subject: Срочно! помогите пожалуйста перевести! записано именно так gen.
Number of people affected affects a larger number of people.
Severity of affects has the highest potential for damage
Imminence is closest in time
Uncertainty is least certain
Catalytic potential can open the most doors downstream


link 16.02.2012 7:53 
Контекст! Срочно! помогите переводчикам с контекстом! где это записано и что это вобще?

 man in the street

link 16.02.2012 8:39 
речь об оценке рисков, скорее всего:
количество пострадавших - большое количество пострадавших
тяжесть последствий - очень высокая вероятность ущерба
угроза возникновения - в ближайшее время
неопределенность - крайне неопределенно
возможность возникновения дальнейших последствий - вероятность открытия большинства шлюзов ниже по течению
(если речь про шлюзы, если нет, нужен контекст)


link 16.02.2012 10:22 
это экологическое исследование, контекст следующий:

Items found through these sources would be reviewed by staff and entered in the environmental scanning database. This review would test the potential significance (field number 3 in the "template" described in section 3 of the item by testing it against a number of criteria, such as:

Number of people affected affects a larger number of people.
Severity of affects has the highest potential for damage
Imminence is closest in time
Uncertainty is least certain
Catalytic potential can open the most doors downstream

Not all of the criteria need have the same weight, of course. This review would lead to a "score" for each item, based on its perceived significance. This score cannot be taken too seriously; however, the more important should be separated from the less important items. The list of criteria above provides a common procedure to respond to the third item or field in the environmental scanning data base template.


link 16.02.2012 12:14 
man in the street +1


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