

link 7.10.2011 6:53 
Subject: Помогите ответить на вопросы по английскому gen.
Are E-Mails And Text Messages Destroying The Language?
Technology has undoubtedly brought about a revolution in communication. Most people would agree that this has been a positive development. Recently, however, there has been concern over the negative effect that modern methods of communication are having on the English language.
First of all, the increasing use of e-mails and text messages is changing the way we use grammar. By this I mean that certain words are dropped in order to keep messages short. In my view, this cannot be avoided. In a text message, for instance, there is neither the time nor the space to write complete sentences. The same applies to e-mails, which are supposed to be a shorter, more direct form of communication. In both cases, the need to be brief often means that the grammar is changed in some way.
Secondly, it is fashionable nowadays to shorten the spelling of words, particularly in text messages. One example of this is when people write "CU later" instead of "See you later". To purists or to people who are not used to such abbreviations, this might be seen as a threat to the language. To my mind, it simply shows that the language is changing in much the same way as it has done for centuries.
Finally, in my opinion, writing English correctly is not so important as getting the message across. If, for example you send someone an e-mail or a text message telling them to meet you in a specified place at a certain time, making yourself understood is much more important than your grammar and spelling. As far as I am concerned, we should allow a certain amount of flexibility. Not everyone has a perfect command of the language but that should not stop them from being able to communicate.
To sum up. the effect that e-mails and text messages are having on written English is a significant one. This may, in the future, result in major changes to the language. However, we should not let rules get in the way of communication. After all, isn't that the reason language was developed in the first place - so that we could communicate?
1. Find out some expressions from the text introducing the writer's opinion.
2. Look again at these expressions and suggest suitable alternatives.
3. Read the following topic sentences and complete the supporting sentences.
a) I believe that, thanks to technology, people are able to communicate more easily than ever before. For example, we only have to look at the Internet to see that ..,
In addition,
As far as I am concerned, mobile phones are the worst invention of the twentieth century. By this I mean that
What is more,
In my opinion, it is far nicer to receive a hand-written letter than an e-mail. One of the disadvantages of e-mails is that they are
It's much more pleasant


link 7.10.2011 6:58 
Английский изучаете?
Вам надо помочь или ответить за Вас?


link 7.10.2011 7:11 
запомните, что в слове "кристалл" - 2 л.


link 7.10.2011 7:16 
По английскому или по-английски?

 Supa Traslata

link 7.10.2011 7:23 
А 104 пишется без дефиса.


link 7.10.2011 7:23 
Варианты ответов: "Да" и "Нет".


link 7.10.2011 7:27 
ST, это минус

 Анна Ф

link 7.10.2011 7:56 
Вопрос 1
Мнение автора
"to my mind"

Предложите ваши варианты перевода вопросов, прежде всего, вам ответят, правильно ли вы понимаете, потом можно будет посмотреть, как на них ответить.


link 7.10.2011 8:09 
хуже мобильников - лучше нет


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