

link 16.04.2011 23:04 
Subject: Золотой_мальчик_(ум._1496)
известна ли эта байка на западе или это что-то сугубо русское?
помогите нагуглить иноязычные источники (что-то у меня не получается :()


link 17.04.2011 1:18 

Historical Profile Guide - THE BORGIAS wiki POPE LEO X TRIVIA
Characters - The Borgias Fan Wiki

* Several historians have suggested that Leo may have been homosexual. Some contemporary tracts and accounts such as that of Francesco Guicciardini have been found to allude to active same-sex relations – alleging Count Ludovico Rangone and Galeotti Malatesta among his lovers. Some tracts (possibly libellous) contend that he died while in bed engaged in a sexual act with a youth.
* He was the last non-priest to be elected Pope. He is known primarily for the sale of indulgences to reconstruct St Peter's Basilica and his challenging of Martin Luther's 95 theses.
* He once had a boy painted in gold from head to toe parading down the streets of Florence. It was to imply the "return of the Golden Age under Medici Rule" The boy later died as a result of probably lead poison from the gold paint.


link 17.04.2011 2:06 
Pope Leo X had more exotic tastes. Famed for his extravagant lifestyle, he was entertained by young boys leaping naked from cakes. When the new Pope entered Florence in triumph, he had a young boy painted gold, from head to toe, who paraded through the streets. It was pure propaganda, implying the return of a golden age under the rule of the Medici. The boy died shortly afterwards, poisoned by the gold paint on his skin but the papal celebrations went on for days.


link 17.04.2011 2:40 


link 17.04.2011 3:00 
Надо просто поискать по ключевой фразе "boy painted gold":


Буквальное "golden boy" по-английски имеет совсем другое, переносное значение:


Интересно, что в русской версии дело было в Милане и "виновником торжества" был Лодовико Сфорца (он же Лодовико иль Моро), а в английской обычно упоминаются Флоренция и Джованни ди Лоренцо де Медичи, он же папа Лев X. В общем, как в том анекдоте:

-- Петрович, а правда, что ты "Волгу" в лотерею выиграл?

-- Правда, только не "Волгу", а три рубля, не в лотерею, а в преферанс, и не выиграл, а проиграл...


link 17.04.2011 9:08 
уау, спасибо огромное!


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