

link 6.04.2011 23:39 
Subject: Летом так летом
Здравствуйте. Подскажите, пожалуйста, как передать оттенок сожаления, или даже бессилия, в диалоге:

- Давай летом решим.
- Ну, что ж, летом, так летом (с оттенком сожаления).

- Let's leave it until summer.
- ???

 Alex Nord

link 6.04.2011 23:41 
summer it is
а сожаление вы голосом передаете? :)

 SirReal moderator

link 6.04.2011 23:52 
Oh well, summer it is then. +1


link 6.04.2011 23:58 
Спасибо, не знала.. Т.е., когда мы не очень счастливы по какому-то поводу, но ничего не поделаешь, мы по-русски говорим: что ж, то-то так то-то (как бы смирились), а по-анлийски, значит будет, "smth it is then"..


link 6.04.2011 23:58 
OK, ({all right},{what the hell}), let it be summer.

 Анна Ф

link 7.04.2011 7:59 
Let it be summer.


link 7.04.2011 8:26 
мы - эхо, мы - эхо, ... (с)


link 7.04.2011 8:33 
Summer? Well... let it be so...



link 7.04.2011 9:16 
Well...in summer then...


link 7.04.2011 11:32 
- Давай летом решим.
- Ну, что ж, летом, так летом (с оттенком сожаления).

ИМХО: Первую реплику можно перевести и как "let it be summer" (Correct me if I'm wrong):
- Let it be this summer.
- So be it./Be it so./Let it be so./
[It's all right. I don't mind.]

"So be it" - let it be so, I accept it as it is. This phrase, often given as a translation of the Hebrew (and Greek and Latin) "amen", has been employed in the current sense since about 1600.
e.g. If you can't change the reservation, so be it; I'll travel on Monday .

"Be it so" - a phrase of supposition, equivalent to "suppose it to be so"; or of permission, signifying let it be so. (see Free online dictionary)

P.S. К сожалению, оттенок сожаления не получился...
На мой взгяд, диалог звучит слегка неестественно:
- Let's leave it until summer.
- Let it be summer.

 Oscar Milde

link 7.04.2011 11:36 
"If you say so".


link 7.04.2011 12:18 
\\ Первую реплику можно перевести и как "let it be summer" (Correct me if I'm wrong): \\

wrong: "решим" потеряно


link 7.04.2011 13:09 
Вы, как всегда, внимательны к мелочам. Sorry, my fault. Аскер вставил от себя словечко (leave), а я наоборот потеряла целое слово. Maybe there's something wrong with this phrase: Давай летом решим?
Кстати, просматривая Лингво, обнаружила, что для выражения согласия в нем довольно часто используются фразы all right (then); so be it;
См. например в Лингво:
бог с тобой (для выражения согласия, примирения и т.п. ) - all right (then); so be it; have it your way; do as you like
так и быть - all right, very well; so be it, right you are

 Oscar Milde

link 7.04.2011 14:17 
Oh, dear.. Is it just me or anybody else thinks that in her latest post Kirsha:

1. admits that she is at fault, yet in the same breath qualifies her admission by arguing that her fault was insignificant if existed at all (“к мелочам”);
2. belittles the thread starter (“вставил от себя словечко”);
3. alleges that “there's something wrong” with the phrase in question without bothering to explain what it is exactly;
4. throughout her post, never ever comes close to presenting anything resembling a cogent, informed and intellectually honest argument (leaving, by the way, plenty to savour for connoisseurs of chick logic like me); and
5. rounds it all off with a rather gratuitous cut-and-paste (again).

Ladies and gentlemen, if we had a competition for the greatest amount of specious argumentation, oblique remarks and stating the bloody obvious per post line, I know who would get my vote today..

SW, sorry for jumping ahead..


link 7.04.2011 15:31 
2 Oscar Milde
1. Ошибаться не вредно (To err is human). However, self-criticism seldom pays off.
2. & 3. Давай летом решим - is highly ambiguous and can be intrepreted in two diffrent ways 1) давай примем решение летом 2) давай летом решим это сделать. It's all down to the context, which is clearly lacking here. And beleive it or not, it's the "thread starter's" fault.
4. I wear all my arguments on my sleeve, and I cannot think of any other to please you.
5. This is the way I am and I can't help it. I don't admit "cogent, informed and intellectually honest" bla bla bla.


link 7.04.2011 16:14 
//давай примем решение летом//, //давай летом решим это сделать//

how are these different ?

If you say so

имхо, остальные варианты более нейтральны.


link 7.04.2011 16:23 
а вообще, если на письме-то эмоции можно передать троеточием,ну а в раговоре и оукей,сказанное с определенной интонацией,будет передавать сожаление,смирени и все,что угодно


link 7.04.2011 16:36 
1) "If you say so". + 10

2) 2Oscar Milde: why bother? :)
"Кстати, просматривая Лингво, обнаружила," - is enough

3) broader context could help

 Oscar Milde

link 7.04.2011 16:48 
To Kirsha:

***However, self-criticism seldom pays off.***
Especially if you never give it a chance. I find the way you are being honest about your dishonesty cute, though.

***Давай летом решим - is highly ambiguous and can be intrepreted in two diffrent ways 1) давай примем решение летом 2) давай летом решим это сделать. It's all down to the context, which is clearly lacking here.***
Ambiguous – yes, highly – no. There is enough to offer a translation that preserves whatever will prove to be the context. By the way, your second interpretation seems to be, well, a heck of a stretch, and I actually struggle to see any daylight between the two. Dishonesty again.

***I wear all my arguments on my sleeve***
That’s quite acceptable – the problem is that you haven’t had anything to wear on it so far.

***This is the way I am and I can't help it.***
Fine, it’s just that this way is simply not good enough – in my humble opinion, of course.

***I don't admit "cogent, informed and intellectually honest" bla bla bla.***
Come to think of it, that’s an admission in and of itself. Thank you for proving my point.


link 7.04.2011 17:00 
- Давай летом решим.
- Ну, что ж, летом, так летом (с оттенком сожаления).

- Let's wait till summer.
- Summer? Well...We could...


link 7.04.2011 17:05 
- Let's wait till summer.
- Summer? That's fine...not a big deal

(could work but...)

 Oscar Milde

link 7.04.2011 17:06 
To justboris:

Well, it was a slow afternoon, plus it helps keep our standards high, does it not.. They should be paying me for this..

 Oscar Milde

link 7.04.2011 17:14 

Keep'em coming!


link 7.04.2011 17:18 
I hope some of them could work.

 Oscar Milde

link 7.04.2011 17:27 
I'll borrow from you, if you will:

Work? Well.. They could..


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