

link 26.02.2011 9:45 
Subject: non-commercial or non-profit partnership
Уважаемые пользователи настоящего сайта!

С коллегами на работе возникли разногласия в части правильного употребления слова- некоммерческий (non-commercial, non-profit) в следующем словосочетании:

Некоммерческое партнерство, основанное на членстве лиц, осуществляющих строительство, реконструкцию, капитальный ремонт.

Из области саморегулирования в энергостроительстве....



link 26.02.2011 11:21 
non-commercial- некоммерческое партнерство
non-profit- бесприбыльное партнерство


link 26.02.2011 16:41 
Все non-commercial organizations (companies) создаются исключительно для non-profit purposes. Это поможет?


link 26.02.2011 16:54 
Yippie, честно говоря, я уже сама запуталась... На мой взгляд, наиболее употребимо слово non-commercial, а мне утверждают, что я неправа, и есть только NON-PROFIT. Искала информацию в разных источниках, но четкого разграничения в употреблении или в переводе не могу найти...


link 26.02.2011 18:03 
ОК. пример non-commercial organizations: общество филателистов. Есть устав и проч. Они получают деньги от выставок, членские взносы и т.д. У них есть доходы и расходы. Но разница не распределяется как прибыль между организаторами, а уходит на нужды самого общества (если не воруют)
Нет владельцев, есть учредители, члены совета, союза и тд. Вот потому, что превышение доходов над расходами не перераспределяется между ними, организация и называется non-profit.
Есть non-commercial organization "Жильцы подъезда №5" Но к ним приставка non-profit неуместна поскольку профита нет и быть не может по определению. Иными словами, все non-profit, которые пишутся иногда not-for-profit, всегда non-commercial


link 26.02.2011 18:35 
"Уважаемые пользователи настоящего сайта!"
Folks, here goes our slogan: "MultiTran.Ru. For REAL". ;) Copyright application pending. =)

2 helena.rukk: "non-profit partnership" - партнерство, не ставящее целью получение прибыли
I'd vote for "non-profit"; sounds more "English-like" to me. Still not happy? Another method, lame but often efficient:
non-profit: Результатов: примерно 296 000 000
non-commercial: Результатов: примерно 259 000 000
And check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-commercial and
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonprofit_organization - The last one is waaaay more solid.


link 26.02.2011 18:43 
По мне так non-commercial Vs non-profit- это все равно, что спор о shrimps Vs prawns(был тут недавно). Не вижу принципиальной разницы.
В Вашем случае с партнерством я, лично, склонилась бы к non-profit partnership, хотя, не спрашивайте, почему:)


link 26.02.2011 19:01 
2 natrix_reloaded: Deal! I'm not gonna ask why, but may I pretend it's due to my contribution instead? ;)


link 26.02.2011 19:13 
/// but may I pretend it's due to my contribution instead///
Let it be as soon as it makes you happy:). I don't mind, though haven't studied either of your links...
OFF. Dude, мы тут вообще-то все неплохо по-русски понимаем, чуть что (я Вам в первый Ваш вечер непрозрачно намекала:)))


link 26.02.2011 19:19 
how about:
not-for-profit partnership ;)


link 26.02.2011 19:51 
"Let it be as soon as it makes you happy:)" - Put this way, it doesn't. =)
OFF. Dude, мы тут вообще-то все неплохо по-русски понимаем, чуть что (я Вам в первый Ваш вечер непрозрачно намекала:))) - Like I care. True, but I also reckon that a) my English is [mostly =)] transparent to whoever is around here; b) quite a bunch of folks reply to me in English, which leads me to conclude that sticking to my original strategy isn't that destructive an idea; c) hell, a fella or two might actually benefit by picking up a nice phrase or expression (which I often do from other English-posing users here, too), so... "As you were!" ©
"первый Ваш вечер" - Sounds grand indeed. =) Hang in there, and stock up on patience, I might as well stick around. ;)


link 26.02.2011 20:00 
///sticking to my original strategy isn't that destructive an idea; ///
By no means it is...
Just do what you feel like doing "as soon as it makes you happy" :))))


link 26.02.2011 20:09 
2 natrix_reloaded: ...And that's exactly my intention. =)

natrix_reloaded: "By no means it is... Just do what you feel like doing "as soon as it makes you happy" :))))"
quite a bunch of folks reply to me in English - I stand corrected; "quite a bunch of fellas and a lady". ;) A sharper reply from you would've rendered you as "a chick". =)


link 26.02.2011 20:12 
Dude, i think you're pushing it ;) ... can explain - if you care


link 26.02.2011 20:26 
2 silly.wizard: "Dude, i think you're pushing it ;)" - Well, first off - I know. =)
Secondly, "can explain - if you care" - Limerick style? Be my guest!! =)


link 26.02.2011 20:39 
Dude, just wanted to ask you to be very careful with the words you choose.
I don't mind being called "a lady" but just in case, do bear in mind that when you "popped in" at Minsk State Linguistic University I was teaching there...
(To tell you the truth I wasn't, but it was a stylistic device to make you realise...:)


link 26.02.2011 20:40 
okay, you asked ;)

Dude was a dude who knew English
Better than some of his colleagues
But since he was young
And was trying too much
One could tell that some class was still lacking


link 26.02.2011 20:46 
можно добавить соли/перца по вкусу: One could tell that THE class was still lacking
.... but i do not want to be "pushing it" ;)


link 26.02.2011 21:03 
2 natrix_reloaded: "Dude, just wanted to ask you to be very careful with the words you choose." - Of, I am, unless they only concern me and no one else. But just in case - any occurrences of the opposite?

2 silly.wizard: Wow.
"Dude was a dude who knew English better than some of his colleagues" - What makes you think I know it at all? Might as well be clacking the keys randomly, words just keep coming out by themselves - you never can tell. ;)
"And was trying too much" - Trying what, exactly, to prove my English proficiency? To whom? Never really cared about other people's opinion on this (native speakers are hereby expressly excluded ;)).
So, you think I lack class, and you've gone all that way to tell me =)? Well, like I said, who cares. Push it all you want, only please make sure it's actually based on something.


link 26.02.2011 21:20 
chill out, will you?
It's not that YOU lack class, it's all about the importance of being more carefull...
Peace "V" , Dude:)))
PS. silly., и все-таки, Вы мой любимый автор:)))) I don't give a damn what they say .
///Never really cared about other people's opinion/// +1


link 26.02.2011 21:20 
\\ Might as well be clacking the keys randomly, \\
yeah, I know - "Given enough time, a hypothetical monkey typing at random would, as part of its output, almost surely produce all of Shakespeare's plays."

but, an unlikely explanation in your case - keeping in mind your throughput. and consistency.
so, i 'd say you know what you are doing ;)

\\ "And was trying too much" \\
can agree - not the best wording ... was meant to be "And was trying to do too much" ... slipped there I have.

\\ lacking class \\
refers to
* [repeated] mention that you "don't care"
* and "A sharper reply from you would've rendered you as "a chick"."
the latter "threat", even if humorous, was completely uncalled for - keeping in mind that "a sharper reply" did NOT take place. (likewise someone could tell you "if you spoke badly of my mother, i would punch you in the face".) imho, this is lack of class.

otherwise, i like your energy.


link 26.02.2011 21:28 
"otherwise, i like your energy."... and few other things, too .... i know, you don't care ;) ... but i do. for fairness sake ;)


link 26.02.2011 21:41 
В этом прелесть и недостаток всех сайтов: есть гарантия, "что ты не получишь в «Колизее» на МТ виноградной кистью по морде от первого попавшего молодого человека".
Знаю, что меня не виноградом. а когтями бы кое-кто...
Но это так, offик такой в перерыве...

Dude, это ничего, что я по-русски?


link 26.02.2011 21:44 
natrix_reloaded: "Dude, chill out, will you?" - I am, however unbelievable that may seem. No names-giving, no abundance of "!" marks, nothing of the "pissed-off-punk-ass" kind; only references to actual phrases/events. And I really meant the "any occurrences of the opposite" bit. ;)
"it's all about the importance of being more carefull" - Look who's talking. =) No offence meant, just made me smile - might as well make you, too. =)

2 silly.wizard: Oh. Not even 5% as bad as I thought, after all. However, unpolished Limerick wasn't exactly called for, either, eh? =)
"Class" point taken. This was an exception and is not my usual style.
Though irrelevant for this situation, people who go around waving the "I'm older, hence smarter" banner seem funny to me (and I am sure I'm not alone on this).


link 26.02.2011 21:49 
"Dude, это ничего, что я по-русски?" - Oh. If I decide to launch a crusade against Russian-language posts to this forum, I'll make sure to notify you as a matter of priority. Deal? ;)


link 26.02.2011 21:56 
2 silly.wizard: "otherwise, i like your energy."... and few other things, too .... i know, you don't care ;) ... but i do. for fairness sake ;)
Appreciate. And I specifically pointed out what I don't care about, so... ;) All other times, I generally do.
Now, this is the part where I could've admitted liking many of your posts (language and humour aspects), too, but in this context it would kinda look like one of them Krylov's fables... ;) ...So just know it, aight? =)


link 26.02.2011 22:59 
ну и ладушки :) .... беда одна что нафлудили мы немало - найдет ли бедный аскер тут ответы на вопрос? =)


link 26.02.2011 23:02 
///найдет ли бедный аскер тут ответы на вопрос? ///
Найдет. Ученые аскеры дальше первых 3-4-х постов не смотрят:)))


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