

link 7.01.2011 22:05 
Subject: шухер на бану
Greetings folks!

Once again, Dovlatov. What does шухер на бану means in prison jargon of the 60's? Am guessing that шухер is some sort of commotion. What's на бану?

Also, purely by chance, anyone out there versed in English-language prison jargon? It's worth asking ;))



link 7.01.2011 22:08 
Существовала шутливая присказка - "Шухер на бану: метёлка сплетовала!" То есть - "шум на вокзале: сбежала подозрительная девица".


link 7.01.2011 22:13 
"шухер на бану", here:
"Бестолковая суета, возня, много шума из ничего".

Часто в виде вопроса: Что за кипиш на болоте? Нередко - в полном варианте: Что за кипиш на болоте, что за шухер на бану?

To me, it means "what's the fuss about"? (or - all this noise)

As for English-language prison jargon, sorry kath, no first-hand experience
there. Not yet.:))


link 7.01.2011 22:15 
в дополнение:
В сборнике Фимы Жиганца "Блатная лирика", Ростов-на-Дону, «Феникс», 2001, с. 193. - этот же текст дан с комментарием: "Сплинтовать - также сплетовать: убежать. Устаревшая "феня", 30-е годы. Существовала шутливая присказка - Шухер на бану: метёлка сплетовала! То есть - шум на вокзале: сбежала подозрительная девица
Бан, банок - 1. Вокзал, вокзальная площадь. 2. Людное место
Бан - вокзал или место сбора преступников.


link 7.01.2011 22:19 

you may want to check out these threads -- there are a couple of links to online prison jargon resources



link 7.01.2011 22:22 
Андрей Филимонов
В Ленинграде 8 июля 89 проснулись на матах. .....
.....По ходу дела (в смысле, поезда) удалось побывать на Волоколамском вокзале.
Страшный шухер на бану. Привокзальная площадь покрыта ровным слоем грязи.



link 7.01.2011 22:24 
Thanks guys, you are great! Now that I know what it means, I need to find someone who's done time or who's worked on The Wire! :))


link 7.01.2011 22:24 
What's up, my niggers?...


link 7.01.2011 22:33 
OMG!!! LOL!! I just read this guy's latest entry in his blog (the link was provided by "nephew")...

Kath, if you like Dovlatov, you will definitely like this dude:



link 7.01.2011 22:44 
123 - Interesting you say that. At the moment there's a discussion in the US about "updating" Twain's Huck Finn. The proposed edition, for release to schools in Alabama that have banned the book, will replace "nigger Jim" with "slave Jim" (and "Injun Joe" with "Indian Joe"). That's right, the original version is proving to be un-PC for the school district of Alabama.

lisula - thanks for the link. I glanced at it, but am not a fan. I don't really see the similarity to Dovlatov. And yes, I do like Dovlatov, but at the moment it's a job :))


link 7.01.2011 23:05 
nephew + lisulya = LOL ...ннно это конечно, не Довлатов ....

-Как ты себя чувствуешь? – спрашивала она звонким пионерским голосом.
-Местами, - отвечал я.
В очередной прилёт Валя сменила мне пузырь с кавинтоном, подмигнула левой смородиной и бодренько заверила:
-Щщас тебе будет совсем хорошо.
Ровно такую же фразу произнёс Абдулла, пообещав товарищу Сухову поджечь его вместе с гаремом в нефтяном резервуаре.
- Вы что?! – в ужасе вопиёт подопытный кролик. - Вы же давали эту… Клятву Геморроя!
- Забавный тут у вас народ, в реанимации.
- Это ты ещё в морге не был…


link 7.01.2011 23:17 
"updating" Twain's Huck Finn for children might be a good idea ... though I see nothing wrong in being nigger, Caucasian (black), yellow or green .... even white ... what really matters is attitude ...


link 7.01.2011 23:49 
|For example, all brothers in the ghetto call themselves niggers.
But if any cracker tries it, and it's not politically correct to say the "n" word.
Should call them African Americans (not even blacks). All right, nowadays political correctness is all the rage and a must.
Fine. But don't you morons touch the sacred text of Samuel Clemens. A nigger was a nigger back then, period. Read the 1824 Constitution of Missouri, and find a lot of very interesting stuff, to say the least.
To botch up texts like that is ahistorical and plain stupid. Editing, my ass.


link 8.01.2011 0:39 
Wolverin, be cool ... we are talking here about adaptation for children only ... for instance, how would you like to learn, when a child, that your grand-grand-mother was a whore (I mean, hypothetically)?.. Being an adult you are well equiped to treat such an intelligence adequately, but chidren might be easily hurt and such moral traumas may stay forever...

...Personally, I do not give a shit about "sacred text of Samuel Clemens" or any other sacred texts, but of course adult persons must have a right to get access to and read authentic materials, whether books or documents, in order to "find a lot of very interesting stuff", or just to know the truth...

P.S. I do not ask you to believe me on word... so let us make an experiment - you go to Alabama and try to call someone of local African Americans a nigger, or just remind them or even hint that their ancestors were niggers. Then we will see which one of us is a real moron...:)))


link 8.01.2011 2:01 
Well, the whole PC thing is a bit ridiculous in the States. But whatever. I don't believe texts should be edited or updated, even for schools, unless intended as learning aids. Alabama, however, stopped ordering this book for it's school districts and a Twain scholar decided it would be a crime if the younger generation grew up without Huck Finn entirely. So he proposed to "update" it. To be honest, Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer were my friends growing up and I can't imagine life without them. That said, I think the reason for this "updating" is hypocritical and dilutes our history.

123 - Re. your experiment: there was precisely this very scene in the Kentucky Fried Movie. Very funny.

And of course you can't do that. You can't even say black sometimes, but, again, African-American is a silly term. I have a friend in Cape Town, S. Africa. Her nationality and ethnicity is African. Yet she is completely white. Sure, her ancestors settled there from England, but she is 5+ generations African. What is she supposed to be called? White African seems un-PC :))


link 8.01.2011 3:27 
Oh wow... When did Ala-4king-bama suddenly become a stronghold of political correctness and a standard for racial equality?? 8\

 SirReal moderator

link 8.01.2011 3:31 
White African sounds perfect there

 SirReal moderator

link 8.01.2011 3:33 


link 8.01.2011 3:42 
@SirReal: Well I take offense! How dare they call my people white? It's Un-PC :))

@lisulya: Alabama did not, but since we're a Federal Government, each state has it's own policies. But it was part of the Black Belt and thus has a lot of guilt, I suspect.


link 8.01.2011 9:29 
Анекдот в тему:

Голливуд снял римейк "Чапаева".
Особенно зрителям в штате Алабама нравится сцена, где Василий Иванович (Morgan Freeman) говорил Петьке (Will Smith): - Вот, Петька, всех белых порубаем, и тогда настанет счастливая жизнь!


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