

link 4.12.2009 6:25 
Subject: решать в комплексе, рассматривая
По мнению противников строительства пятизвездочной гостиницы в архитектурном и историческом «сердце» Владивостока, вопросы застройки Корабельной Набережной нужно решать в комплексе, рассматривая ее не только как памятник архитектуры, находящийся под защитой государства, но и как часть морского фасада Владивостока.

According to the opponents of the construction of the hotel complex in historical center of the city, the issues relating to the development of Karabelnaya Naberezhnaya Street should be dealt with (в комплексе), regarding it not only as a monument of architecture protected by Government but as an integral part of Vladivostok seascape.



link 4.12.2009 6:45 
just consider:
According to those to disapprove of/oppose the idea of constructing the hotel complex in the city's historical center, urban development in Karabelnaya Naberezhnaya Street should be looked at in its entirety, both as a architectural monument under the Government's protection and an integral part of Vladivostok's seafront


link 4.12.2009 6:57 


link 4.12.2009 6:58 
According to those WHO...


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