

link 16.11.2009 18:38 
Subject: "Летник" - sidewalk/pavement cafe is OK?
Sidewalk cafe or pavement cafe are the good equivalents of the Russian collocquial "летник" word?


link 16.11.2009 19:59 
open air/alfresco

 Eric Olkha

link 16.11.2009 22:23 
+ patio


link 16.11.2009 22:33 
я слово "летник" ни разу не слышал.


link 16.11.2009 22:55 
There's a sidewalk cafe in NYC called the Sidewalk Cafe

open air cafe/alfresco dining are both outdoors but not necessarily on a sidewalk. go with sidewalk cafe, IMHO


link 16.11.2009 22:57 
Sorry, I missed the Russian "letnik" - have no idea what that is. But if it's not specifically on the sidewalk of a city street, do not call Sidewalk Cafe. It could also be called an OUTDOOR CAFE, which is appropriate to anywhere outside


link 17.11.2009 4:28 
Letnik derives from word лето - Summer, an outdoor cafe in summertime or Summer Cafe :)


link 17.11.2009 5:28 


Main Entry: pla·za
Pronunciation: \ˈpla-zə, ˈplд-\
Function: noun
Etymology: Spanish, from Latin platea broad street — more at place
Date: 1683
1 a : a public square in a city or town b : an open area usually located near urban buildings and often featuring walkways, trees and shrubs, places to sit, and sometimes shops
2 : a place on a thoroughfare (as a turnpike) at which all traffic must temporarily stop (as to pay tolls)
3 : an area adjacent to an expressway which has service facilities (as a restaurant, gas station, and restrooms)
4 : shopping center


link 17.11.2009 5:39 
Plaza is something bigger and broader than outdoor cafe IMHO


link 17.11.2009 6:02 
A "летник" is not necessarily a separate cafe / restaurant. In summer, a regular restaurant can be extended using some extra tables that are placed right beside the place - under a canvas top or some other sunshade.


link 17.11.2009 6:26 
Outdoor section/space :)


link 17.11.2009 15:11 
Thanks a lot to everybody :))


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