

link 8.06.2009 12:58 
Subject: Company name in quotes?
OK. I have to check if this is serious.

I was recently informed that the names of Russian companies are placed in quotes in Enlgish as they are so present in the name of th company in its Charter.

Is this at all true from a legal perspective or is somebody trying to sound smarter than they are?


link 8.06.2009 13:01 
название фирмы помещается в кавычки (то есть пишется так же как и в Уставе компании)


link 8.06.2009 13:06 
Это из-за того, что в российских официальных органах могут и послать, если увидят несоответствие с уставом. Таков образ мышления российского чиновника (везде ищет обмана или подвоха). Во внутренних документах эти кавычки на английском никому не нужны.


link 8.06.2009 13:07 
а мне кажется (я всегда удаляю кавычки при переводе статей ru-en) что они должны подчиняться правилам пунктуации языка изложения

 Igor Kravchenko-Berezhnoy

link 8.06.2009 14:05 
keyboard.im ++

а мне даже и не "кажется" --- только так, без кавычек


link 9.06.2009 6:08 
So for PR, internal docs, etc.. no need?
And for legal documents, you need them?


link 9.06.2009 6:25 
for PR you need good native English I guess 8)

for legal - let the legal f... their brains over this, and take the consequences


link 9.06.2009 6:27 
I mean if you work in a company and have Legal

btw, sometimes the notaries are verrry trying in terms of what you show in the translation you want to notarise - stamps, seals, signatures, company names etc.


link 9.06.2009 6:29 

Unfortunately, I am a native and it IS my job to f... my brains over this.
That's why I am looking for the answer.

 Igor Kravchenko-Berezhnoy

link 9.06.2009 10:14 

I have translated quite a few legal documents "for external use" containing Western company names, like charters, contracts, agreements, leases, etc., some of them just weeks ago, and it never even occurred to me to put quotes on these names. Neither had I ever heard of such practice until you raised this issue.

If some bureaucrats happen to think quotes are "correct", then others may happen to think otherwise, so it is safest to follow normal rules.


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