

link 6.01.2004 19:10 
Subject: library terminology
Any help from librarians or just curious linguists is much appreciated.
Right now, I am looking for a Russian equivalent of the word "bookdrop" (a place where you return books to the library when it is closed). Any suggestions?


link 7.01.2004 0:46 
May I suggest "книгоприемник." (I may be wrong, but I don't think Russian libraries have anything similar to a bookdrop.)


link 7.01.2004 15:49 
Larisa, thank you for your response. This was precisely my suggestion. But my collegues (we are all Russian librarians in an American library) are not happy with that. Maybe, we have been removed from the native tongue for too long and have lost the flavor of the language. "Knigopriemnik" reminds them of "detpriemnik" from the 30s, or just "doesn't sound right". However, so far, nobody was able to come up with a word or short phrase that would satisfy most of us.
I would be curious to learn other suggestions, or at least a professional arguement in support of "knigopriemnik".


link 7.01.2004 17:03 
Ящик (контейнер) приема прочитанной (возвращенной) литературы (книг)(?)

Ящик возврата (книг, литературы)(?)


link 8.01.2004 0:59 
"Iashchik vozvrata" is one of most frequently suggested terms. I am looking for some magic word or phrase that would be generic enough to cover different styles of bookdrops. In some of our branches it looks like a mailbox and therefore "iashchik" can be acceptable. But in others, it's just a slot in the wall and people don't see any box. I guess, asking too much... Would be nice to coin a new Russian word though...


link 8.01.2004 1:52 
And what about Место сдачи/возврата книг/литературы? Moreover, the word "место" may be omitted, just Сдача/возврат книг/литературы. Seems to be truthful whether it is "iashchik", slot, conveyer or whatsoever else...


link 8.01.2004 3:48 
Now use it in a sentence:
Videos cannot be returned in a bookdrop.


link 9.01.2004 0:00 
Something like this:
Видеофильмы не должны сдаваться в том месте, где сдается литература (в месте возврата литературы, вместе с литературой).
If there was no need to translate it word for word I'd like to suggest the next one:
Видеофильмы должны сдаваться в специально отведенном [для этого] месте.


link 9.01.2004 20:01 
Thank you, Larisa and Ivan, for your contributions. I also polled russian librarians in US and Russia. Majority suggests "iashchik". ("Iashchik vozvrata" does not sound too professional to me.) Also, good number of people suggests to omit the term and express the meaning of the sentence without getting stuck on the "bookdrop". I understand and appreciate all points of view.
However, I think if an object exists, there ought to be a name for it.


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