

link 2.03.2008 22:31 
Subject: дожить до нового витка
here is the title of an article about the russian political life, where the journalist writes about Eltstin and Putin. I dont really understand it , can anyone help me translating it? thx a lot

 Alex Nord

link 2.03.2008 22:37 
live to see the next stage/level


link 2.03.2008 22:42 
live to see, or live until the next level?

 Alex Nord

link 2.03.2008 22:52 
in both cases you have to live :)


link 2.03.2008 22:54 
yeah ok, thx :)

 Alex Nord

link 2.03.2008 23:01 
cacolazatchok - is it a guy from a bunch of guys like ehecatl, centeotl, tlaloc, mixtec, quetzalcoatl and the company? (just out of curiosity, you know) :)


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