

link 27.11.2007 19:48 
Subject: Проверьте перевод с русс плиз
Проверьте артикли плиз
Deputies receive from their party fraction “chief whip” instructions (indications) that they should vote under the bills. Quite often it’s pointed to them to necessity of statement in the House of Commons and even the plan or text of that statement is given to them.
Violation of instructions threatens with big troubles for the deputy down to the loss of his seat in the Commons on the new elections (at new elections ??)
The bourgeois membership of Commons and severe discipline among its members guarantees adoption of statutes (принятие законов), favorable (to/for) ruling classes of England.

Русский вариат на всякий
Депутаты получают от "главного кнута" своей партийной фракции указания, как они должны голосовать по законопроектам. Нередко им указывается на необходимость выступления в Палате и предоставляется даже план или текст этого выступления. Нарушение инструкций грозит для депутата большими неприятностями, вплоть до потери места в Палате при новых выборах.
Буржуазный состав Палаты и строгая дисциплина среди ее членов гарантирует принятие законов, выгодных правящим класса Англии.


link 27.11.2007 20:34 
1. vote ON a bill
2. the necessity is pointed out OR they are pointed out at the nec-ty.
3.there is a threat of ...in case of violation
4. принятие законов -погуглите, есть хорошее выражени, счас не помню
5.выгодный -beneficial
6. .... members of the House of Commons
membershiop по моему все таки членство, как процесс, а не как люди)


link 27.11.2007 21:45 
Спасибки =))) остальное правильно?


link 28.11.2007 1:30 
Members receive from the whip of their respective party instruction on how to vote on various bills. Often, members are asked to address the House and are even given talking points for such speeches. Not following these instructions may land a member in trouble; even cost the member his or her seat during the next election.

The bourgeois make-up / nature of the House and strict discipline among its members assures the passing of laws beneficial to England’s ruling class.


link 28.11.2007 5:16 
в последнем предложении 2 подлежащих через союз AND...
почему же тогда глагол в ед.ч.?


link 28.11.2007 7:27 
Mrs, you are right. My bad: I did not read the sentence through after I finished typing it. I should be "assure," not "assures."


link 28.11.2007 8:37 
The chief whip tells the MPs how to vote on bills. Often they are required to make speeches before the House and even provided with outlines or full texts of such speeches. A failure to obey may lead to serious troubles for the MP, up to being kicked out of the Parliament in the next elections.


link 28.11.2007 8:44 
...ensure that the laws are made to the benefit of the ruling class


link 28.11.2007 10:47 
Спасибо ! Щас буду разбирать свои ошибки ;)


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