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Terms for subject Information technology (11513 entries)
threats (SWOT) A combination of an organizational audit listing the enterprise’s strengths and weaknesses and an environmental scan or analysis of external opportunities and threats
multifactor authentication A combination of more than one authentication method, such as token and password (or personal identification number [PIN] or token and biometric device)
IT strategy committee A committee at the level of the board of directors to ensure that the board is involved in major IT matters and decisions
hub A common connection point for devices in a network, hubs are used to connect segments of a local area network
network segmentation A common technique to implement network security is to segment an organization’s network into separate zones that can be separately controlled, monitored and protected.
network interface card A communication card that when inserted into a computer, allows it to communicate with other computers on a network
leased line A communication line permanently assigned to connect two points, as opposed to a dial-up line that is only available and open when a connection is made by dialing the target machine or network. Also known as a dedicated line
Hypertext Transfer Protocol A communication protocol used to connect to servers on the World Wide Web. Its primary function is to establish a connection with a web server and transmit hypertext markup language (HTML) extensible markup language (XML) or other pages to client browsers
cluster controller A communication terminal control hardware unit that controls a number of computer terminals
public switched telephone network A communications system that sets up a dedicated channel (or circuit) between two points for the duration of the transmission.
computer server A computer dedicated to servicing requests for resources from other computers on a network. Servers typically run network operating systems. 2. A computer that provides services to another computer
communication processor A computer embedded in a communications system that generally performs the basic tasks of classifying network traffic and enforcing network policy functions
service bureau A computer facility that provides data processing services to clients on a continual basis
sequential file A computer file storage format in which one record follows another
suspense file A computer file used to maintain information (transactions, payments or other events) until the proper disposition of that information can be determined
wide area network A computer network connecting different remote locations that may range from short distances, such as a floor or building, to extremely long transmissions that encompass a large region or several countries
application A computer program or set of programs that performs the processing of records for a specific function
browser A computer program that enables the user to retrieve information that has been made publicly available on the Internet; also, that permits multimedia (graphics) applications on the World Wide Web
default A computer software setting or preference that states what will automatically happen in the event that the user has not stated another preference. For example, a computer may have a default setting to launch or start Netscape whenever a GIF file is opened; however, if using Adobe Photoshop is the preference for viewing a GIF file, the default setting can be changed to Photoshop. In the case of default accounts, these are accounts that are provided by the operating system vendor (e.g., root in UNIX)
masking A computerized technique of blocking out the display of sensitive information, such as passwords, on a computer terminal or report