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skell נמתח
.לא רש бездомный (grafleonov); неряшливый человек (grafleonov)
skell נ
.אמריק преступник (бездомный; also skel, skelder – (US) a villain, a rogue, esp. a vagrant who lives on the streets; a vagrant, especially of the thuggish sort. Seemingly related to the C17 ‘skelder', an honorable cant term for ‘a professional beggar' which was long obsolete when ‘skell' started to show up in New York in the early 1970s. A favourite word of police television dramas in the 1990s; the screeplay by Gardner Stern for episode 2 of season 2 of NYPD Blue that aired in September 1994 was titled For Whom the Skell Rolls: The skell had already raped and tortured the kid's mother Taras); бродяга (in New York) a tramp or homeless person; originated in 1980s: perhaps a shortening of skeleton Taras); бомж (a homeless person Taras); пьяница (Taras); наркоман (Taras); злодей (Taras); негодяй (Taras); мерзавец (Taras); мошенник (Taras); пройдоха (Taras)