מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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если повезетמתח
כלל. if you are lucky (Andy)
если повезёт
כלל. with luck (User); with any luck (alexghost); on a good day (By elimination, we can narrow our search for the weapon, and on a good day determine what it is. 4uzhoj); with a little luck (With a little luck, I'll live through the season Ballistic)
если кому-либо повезёт
כלל. if someone is lucky (I. Havkin); if somebody is lucky (No skiing today because of shit weather. Hopefully tomorrow if we are lucky we can ski some rails at stubai. I. Havkin)
если повезёт: 14 צירופים, 3 נושאים