
Términos sobre el tema Implantología dental que contienen Over | todas las formas | sólo coincidencias exactas
series of splinted copings, each of which fits over an implant abutment or natural tooth and over which fits the completed prosthodontic applianceпромежуточная супраструктура (MichaelBurov)
series of splinted copings, each of which fits over an implant abutment or natural tooth and over which fits the completed prosthodontic applianceпромежуточная супраструктура имплантатов (MichaelBurov)
series of splinted copings, each of which fits over an implant abutment or natural tooth and over which fits the completed prosthodontic applianceсупраструктура имплантатов (MichaelBurov)