
Терміни за тематикою Кліше що містять day | усі форми | лише в заданій формі
busy dayхлопотливый день (Завтра предстоит хлопотливый денёк. (из рус. источников) ART Vancouver)
carry on with one's dayкак ни в чём ни бывало продолжать заниматься своими делами (The bear, evidently, fared better in the collision than Milner did. “Man, those bears are built like a truck,” he said. “I thought I was going to die.” The bear also wasn’t phased by the bystander trying to ward it off from the injured and upset Milner. “He was kind of looking at me, really curious, kind of like, ‘What’s up with you?’ he said. “Then the bear just started eating grass. He pretty much just carried on with his day.” nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
on any given dayобычно (о деятельности: Back in college, my friends and I would always all go to the cafeteria across campus together for lunch. There were about 8-10 of us on any given day so normally you had 3-4 of us in a huddle followed by the other 3-4. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
on any given dayкак правило (о деятельности: Back in college, my friends and I would always all go to the cafeteria across campus together for lunch. There were about 8-10 of us on any given day so normally you had 3-4 of us in a huddle followed by the other 3-4. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
regret it to this dayпо сей день жалеть (She regrets it to this day. – по сей день жалеет об этом ART Vancouver)
second day in a rowвторой день подряд (Second day in a row one of our New West PD members has seized a replica handgun off a suspect. Cannot stress enough the risk in improperly carrying one of these things around. Police officers have little choice but to treat them as real until otherwise determined. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
stressful dayтяжёлый день (There was a lot of boozing going on in the training camp before the accident. Apparently, the team managed to finish six to eight cases of beer every day. They even nicknamed the more stressful days, "ten-case days" to refer to the stress they used to numb after the practicing. ART Vancouver)
Through every moment of the holidays, every day of the new year may peace and happiness be yoursПусть каждое мгновение праздников и каждый день в новом году будет мирным и счастливым для Вас (Leonid Dzhepko)
with every passing dayс каждым днём (With every passing day, I love you more in every way! ART Vancouver)
you made my dayхорошее настроение на весь день (The expression "you made my day" is typically used to express gratitude or appreciation for something someone has done. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as when someone does something kind for you, when someone makes you laugh, or when someone simply makes you feel good. ART Vancouver)