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сплести V.Betonungen
Allg. entwine; intertwine; intertwist; inweave; plait; plash; plat; spin; pleach; complect; splice; unite by a splice; lace; wreathe; interweave; lock; join; convolve; braid
Gruzovik interlace (pf of сплетать); braid
Gruzovik, umg. plot (pf of плести); scheme (pf of плести); hatch (pf of плести); intrigue (pf of плести); talk nonsense (pf of плести); fib (pf of плести)
Gruzovik, übertr. make up (pf of сплетать); fabricate (pf of сплетать)
Math. interface; tat; wattle; weave
umg. fib; hatch; intrigue; lie; plot; scheme; talk nonsense; weave (intrigues); spin (a tale); utter (nonsense)
übertr., umg. fabricate; make up
сплестись V.
Allg. convolve; entwine; intertwist; intertwine; braid; interweave; plait; splice; unite by a splice; be locked (of arms, fingers); join; lock; become entwined; become tangled; weave
Gruzovik interlace (pf of сплетаться); intertwine (pf of сплетаться); lock of arms, fingers (pf of сплетаться); be locked of arms, fingers (pf of сплетаться)
übertr. become intertwined
übertr., umg. fabricate; make up
 Russisch Thesaurus
сплетясь V.
Allg. деепр. от сплестись
сплетя V.
Allg. деепр. от сплести
сплести: 28 Phrasen in 2 Thematiken
Allgemeine Lexik19