

链接 12.07.2006 9:52 
主题: North node
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Фрагмент астрологической карты. Вообще-то оригинальный текст на испанском, но может, кто-то знает?

ES: Nodo norte

EN: North node (вероятно)


链接 12.07.2006 9:59 
Видимо, "северный узел луны"

The lunar nodes are the orbital nodes of the Moon, that is, the points where the orbit of the Moon crosses the ecliptic (which is the apparent path of the Sun across the heavens against the background stars). The north or ascending node is where the moon crosses to the north of the ecliptic. The south or descending node is where it crosses to the south.

Eclipses occur only near to the lunar nodes: Solar eclipses occur when the passage of the Moon through a node coincides with the new moon; lunar eclipses occur when it coincides with the full moon. Moon's distance to the nodes will be less than about 1,5°

