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кузница кадровakcenty
posp. talent foundry (tfennell); cadre training unit (VLZ_58); elite training center (VLZ_58); talent factory (masizonenko); powerhouse (KPbICMAH)
bizn. source of manpower; talent pool (VLZ_58)
ekon. personnel forge (Taras); hotbed of specialists (suggests a concentrated and intense environment where specialists are rapidly developed Taras); leading scientific powerhouse (applies to institutions known for nurturing top talent in certain fields Taras); forge of personnel (Taras); factory of specialists (Taras); factory of professionals (Taras); breeding ground for talent (emphasizes the cultivation and development of skilled individuals within the organization Taras); leading scientific powerhouse (Taras)
pokaż. artistic hatchery (Taras); launchpad for fame (Taras); star-making machine (Taras); talent incubator (Taras); artist development pipeline (emphasizes the systematic and structured approach to talent development Taras); creative forge (Taras); casting ground for the spotlight (the term captures the competitive and selective nature of the environment, where only certain individuals gain the spotlight Taras)
polit. power broker (the term emphasizes the organization's role in producing and manipulating political influencers Taras); incubator of political figures (the term highlights the nurturing and grooming of future leaders within the system Taras); kingmaker factory (when organization directly creates individuals who rise to significant political power Taras); political breeding ground (this emphasizes the competitive and selective nature of the environment, where only certain individuals "breed" success Taras); cadre forge (the term focuses on the specific group of political personnel being produced Taras); party machine (the term emphasizes the organization's role as a well-oiled mechanism for producing loyal and controllable political figures Taras); Politburo forge (a specific term referring to the former body in the Soviet Union responsible for personnel selection, making it more relevant for historical contexts Taras); nursery of loyalists (the term highlights the expectation of unquestioning obedience and allegiance to the system from those produced Taras)
praw. talent pipeline (Журнал "Мосты" 3(43)/2014 Tayafenix)