

link 9.02.2010 11:04 
Temat wiadomości: Утопаю в рекламных текстах! Помогите, кто чем может. rekl.
On the 1st of October, the rate of the Business Week will go up $1 a line. If you place your order before the 30th of this month, you can buy space to be used any time before January 1st at $—a line. After the 30th, positively no orders will be accepted at less than the new figure. As a matter of fact, our circulation entitles us to the higher rate now.

That one extra dress you so badly wanted, but thoughtfully and economically decided not to buy—that smart afternoon frock, or the pretty street dress, that you longed for, but resisted because to buy it then would have been extravagant—is now, you will be happy to learn, turned into a matter of plain, common sense economy!
For to make space for spring stock that is coming earlier than we were prepared for, we must cut the prices on our complete and beautiful line of winter styles to the point that will make it almost an extravagance not to take advantage of the wonderful values.
We are enclosing in this envelope our check for $6.20 payable to Smith Bros. Readers. This means that if you endorse the check and return it to us before Dec. 10th, we will send you $6.20 worth of these readers, whichever ones you may choose!
On the back of the check, you will find complete list of all our Readers, Grades 1A to 6B. If you wish to order additional quantities at this time, you can apply the enclosed check against our bill as part payment.
You will probably be able to buy an Ever-ready Bag next year—10 years from now—But, you can never buy it again at its present price of $14.85. That price is about to go up to $20. The special low payment, free-on-approval club is about to close for good.
This is your chance.
The card herewith brings the newest bag, etc.
Of course, there are ways of flagging the reader's interest even before he gets to the first line of your letter. Putting a catch-phrase on the outside of the envelope is one. The Literary Digest employs this method on most of its mailings, so you can be sure they have found it effective, for no experienced user of the mails keeps up any practice that does not justify itself in increased orders on the record sheet.


link 9.02.2010 11:06 
Смогу взять часть нагрузки на себя.
Быстро, недорого.


link 9.02.2010 11:08 
Кстати, если ситуация описывается как «утопаю», это вернейший индикатор к поднятию переводчиком ставок.


link 9.02.2010 11:25 
Двойной гонорар -- деньги поделим, сделаем в два раза быстрее. ;-)


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