

link 19.03.2007 16:41 
Subject: fire in your/the belly
Please help me to find a good translation for this English idiom in Russian. Can't think up of any.

Here's an example:

He will approach the committee with plenty of fire in his belly.

Thanks to all for help.


link 19.03.2007 18:47 


link 19.03.2007 18:48 
сорри, рьяно)))


link 19.03.2007 19:39 
FIRE IN THE BELLY - "an unquenchable thirst for power or glory; the burning drive to win a race or achieve a goal. As a political phrase, the expression is usually used to indicate a Presidential candidates' desire to win, particularly the willingness to endure the long contest. It first appeared in print in 1882, in an essay by Robert Louis Stevenson, in which he compared historians Thomas Carlyle and Thomas Babington Macaulay.The source of the expression is not known. Perhaps this metaphor for ambition comes from stoking a potbellied stove or from the fiery sensation of heartfelt heartburn." From "Safire's New Political Dictionary" by William Safire (Random House, New York, 1993). Pages 249-250
Имхо, рьяно тут не совсем подходит.


link 19.03.2007 19:48 

полный энтузиазма?


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