

link 6.03.2007 7:41 
Subject: on a success basis...
UGH..... ok, this idea of payment on a success basis. what do you call that in russian?

XX would act as a consultant to UUU and would be compensated largely on the success base except for the research project as the latter is an assignment that promotes Russia in general and the UUU in particular. The project requires considerable work demands considerable resources and XX needs to employ his resources on the project. The benefit would however be the improved profile of UUU with exposure to companies in the mining and oil & gas sectors as well as amongst institutional investors in London and North America.


link 6.03.2007 8:22 
... выплата вознаграждения консалтинговой компании производится лишь после успешной реализации ее рекомендаций...


link 6.03.2007 9:25 
Нинок 79 г.р.
не тужьтесь, напишите внятно по-русски,мы как-нибудь и русский разберем, что вам требуется,зачем тут выпендреж?
в теме :on a success basis...
в контексте:success base


link 6.03.2007 9:39 
yeah and in the original it is wrong so i corrected it in my question. The habit of a native speaker to say it the right way overpowers most things.

зачем тут выпендреж?
i have done no such thing


link 6.03.2007 9:54 
вы если помогать не хотите, вам хоть как напиши, все равно не поможете.
а кто хотел помочь, и так все понял


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