

link 15.01.2007 20:31 
Subject: re: please help to understand

Could someone please help me to understand this sentence?

Договаривающиеся Стороны представляют полномочия своим соответствующим органам для заключения между их железнодорожными ведомствами соглашений, устанавливающих приемлемый, применительно к конкретным условиям, порядок реализации положений ностоящего Соглашения.

Does "представляют полномочия" mean that the Contracting Parties "give authority" to their appropriate institutions? And I don't understand how the last clause relates to the rest of the sentence (порядок реализации положений ностоящего Соглашения) - порядок is in the nominative case and I don't know how it relates logically to what comes before.

Many thanks.



link 15.01.2007 20:42 
Consider: ...authorize their respective bodies to enetr into agreements between their railway departments/divisions establishing an acceptable, under specific circumstances, procedure for [the?] implementation of provisions of this Agreement.


link 15.01.2007 20:44 
..sorry for the typo: to ENTER into agreements...

 lame girl

link 15.01.2007 20:46 
well, the Parties AUTHORIZE
Making it easier for understanding: The parties authorize to sign agreements..
agreements settle appropriate order (порядок).

Что не ясно?


link 15.01.2007 21:07 
Oh I see, приемлемый qualifies порядок. Was just confused. Thanks alex16 and lame girl.


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