
 Slam Juice

link 6.12.2006 6:43 
Subject: What's the difference between advertisement and commercial?
Could you please help clear up?


link 6.12.2006 6:46 
It could be explained by referring to what a commercial is:
an advertisement on television or radio:
a soap powder commercial

 Slam Juice

link 6.12.2006 6:49 
And advertisement is normally found on the streets, billboards, taxis etc. true?


link 6.12.2006 6:54 
I think so, English is my second language.
I could be wrong...


link 6.12.2006 7:00 
imho, ads appear as publications in the media, commercials - tv advertising. Also, ad is a generic term.


link 6.12.2006 7:10 
Аdvertisement - вообще любая реклама, в том числе, на ТВ, а commercial - только на ТВ и радио, имхо.


link 6.12.2006 7:12 
television advertisement = commercial
advertisement can be in a magazine, a subway station, read on the radio, pop-up windows, eveywhere but on TV.
If it is on the tele, it is already a commercial.

 Slam Juice

link 6.12.2006 7:27 
Thanks, guys!!!

 Alexis a.k.a. Althea

link 6.12.2006 8:12 
Advertisement - Brit.Eng
Commercial - US


link 6.12.2006 8:30 
Имхо, такое разграничение уже не работает или находится в процессе исчезновения. :-)
Американцы действительно чаще говорят commercial, но я слышал это слово больше применительно к рекламе на ТВ (и реже - на радио, просто потому, что радио народ меньше обсуждает, чем ТВ). Имхо, даже на американском английском нельзя ЛЮБУЮ рекламу назвать commercial (?).


link 6.12.2006 8:42 
alexis aka althea
they are not synonyms
in the US we do not say a subway commercial. it's a subway advertisement
and basically, they just are not synonyms

 Alexis a.k.a. Althea

link 6.12.2006 9:17 
I stand corrected - OED defines "commercial" as radio/TV advertisment specifically. Well, live and learn.:-)

***they just are not synonyms***
Nina79, tell this to Roget :-) ... better still, look up definition of synonyms somewhere.


link 6.12.2006 14:33 
alexis aka althea
synonym means you can replace the word and have the same meaning. you CANNOT just replace advertisement with commercial whenever you want so they are not synonyms


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