

link 4.12.2006 10:01 
Subject: EHS Поправьте плиз!!
один из перечисляемых пунктов в отчете по охране труда
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Проведен опрос операторов по вопросу качества и удобства спецодежды, по итогам которого принято решение изменить покрой рабочих костюмов и инициировано испытание спецодежды и обуви других поставщиков.
Operators are interviewed regarding quality and comfortable wear of special working clothes, according to the interview summary it was decided to change the cut of overalls and test of working clothes and safety shoes from other suppliers was initiated.


link 4.12.2006 10:16 
Operators were interviewed on quality and comfort in wear of working clothes. Upon the results it was decided to change the cut of overalls and to initiate testing of working clothes and shoes from other suppliers.


link 4.12.2006 10:18 
Operators were interviewed regarding quality and usability of the uniform and according to the results of the interview it was decided to change the style of the uniform/overalls (если это комбинезоны) and to start trying uniform and footwear by other suppliers.


link 5.12.2006 4:56 
Почему же испытания trying? Всю жизнь были testing.


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