

link 28.07.2006 10:17 
Subject: Наши отношения только могли бы стать неприязненными
Can anyone clear this up?

Does this mean:

Our relationship must have only just turned hostile


Our relationship only might have become hostile (in the future)

Or none of the above?????

Наши отношения только могли бы стать неприязненными



link 28.07.2006 10:24 

But in any case the first one is unlikely. The second is possible - just.

Русский корявый, однако. Что ж это Вы такое переводите - интересно :-) Дайте предложение целиком - а лучше два.


link 28.07.2006 10:25 
Sharkina, what about
They will never be able see eye to eye (with each other)

 Translucid Mushroom

link 28.07.2006 10:27 
Лучше два (:


link 28.07.2006 10:32 
broader context please ... at least a FULL sentence
can be anything


link 28.07.2006 10:34 
"Наши отношения могут быть только неприязненными - любви уже нет, а дружбы быть не может"
Это мои домыслы :)


link 28.07.2006 10:37 
hmmmm...context is hard to give, it's someone really upset because they've been betrayed by a friend pretending they're not pissed off...or alternatively admitting they were - you see? That's the problem. There's nothing else in the text to tell me how to read this statement. AAAAA!


link 28.07.2006 10:40 

so, are you saying that there is NO line above this one AND there is no line below it?


link 28.07.2006 10:46 
Alright you demanding lot! :)

"С какого момента ваши отношения с ней стали неприязненными?"

"Они только могли бы стать неприязненными. Я всегда прекрасно относилась к ней, мне не в чем было ее упрекнуть."

But then she goes on to say that when she returned home from abroad the two friends never saw or spoke to each other again......So I don't see how the context helps here especially... :) :)

cheers guys!


link 28.07.2006 11:03 
Our relations were only meant to turn sour in the end.
We had no other alternative and clearly moved on towards getting estranged


link 28.07.2006 11:08 
могли бы стать = meant to turn ????

"Our relationship only might have become hostile" it is.


link 28.07.2006 11:09 
This is not hostility, it's dislike.

Is this a normal conversation or interrogation?

It should have been smth like

- When did you two fall out?
- We did not really, although it might have been possible, I suppose (there has always been a chance of that). I have always liked her etc.

Я ж говорю, корявый русский - аффтар, выпей йаду (с)

Please do not translate it "as written" - and good luck with the rest (I have a feeling we'll have more gems like these)


link 28.07.2006 11:13 
It's Marinina's novel, right?

 Translucid Mushroom

link 28.07.2006 11:16 


link 28.07.2006 11:17 
Нет, Скай
здесь Вы не правы, т.к. meant to do sth - типовая конструкция
This exercise isn't meant to be difficult.


link 28.07.2006 11:20 
our relationship is bound to fail in the end ?


link 28.07.2006 11:22 
Our relations were only meant to turn sour in the end.
имхо значит примерно
Наши отношения ДОЛЖНЫ БЫЛИ стать неприязненными только в конце.

никак не "могли БЫ стать"


link 28.07.2006 11:24 
*This is not hostility, it's dislike. *

hostile 2) враждебный, неприязненный, недружелюбный ( to, towards )


link 28.07.2006 11:25 
our relationship may very well be doomed to failure.
our relationship is likely to turn out poorly/ end poorly/ spoil/ sour.


link 28.07.2006 11:26 
hostile по градусу сильно для неприязни :-) не доверяйтесь Вы так словарям, даже МТ. Контекст рулит :-)


link 28.07.2006 11:26 
Берем слова аффтора *только могли бы стать неприязненными*
Что это значит? Это значит что суждено им стать таковыми.
Млин, значит не нравится Вам mеant, хрен в Вами
замените его на destined или could end up turning sour
Building a relationship that is founded on lies is destined to turn sour down the track


link 28.07.2006 11:30 
*Что это значит? Это значит что суждено им стать таковыми.*

Вот так так...

А может просто "Могли бы стать, (если бы произошло то-то или то-то) ?


link 28.07.2006 11:36 
Учитывая, что "неприязнь" там (http://www.referat.allbest.ru/library/texts/det/marin19/6.shtml)
такая, что рассматривается как мотив для убийства, hostile вполне проканает. :о)


link 28.07.2006 11:38 
Gee, thanks guys! You are v good - i hope you understand why i'm struggling. For those of you wondering, I am writing a dissertation (i.e. unpaid) about the Russian detektiv genre with excerpts from the leading writers of the genre. I think Althea's version was a winner - from a natural sounding english perspective, at least. Don't worry, I'm not going to translate "as written", but it does seem the closest, given the context. Thanks to you all - I'm sure there will be more gems too!


link 28.07.2006 11:44 
*I think Althea's version was a winner - from a natural sounding english perspective, at least.*

Thing is, IT IS interrogation, so it sounds a little bit clumsy and officialese, and, ideally, shall sound similar in English.

(With all respect to Althea)


link 28.07.2006 11:46 
Duly noted Skay! That's why my sounds a bit clumsy then!


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