

link 12.06.2006 17:59 
Subject: горский народ
контекста как такового нет, но я хочу знать, есть ли какой-либо "устоявшийся" термин для обозначения горского народа с Северного Кавказа (besides high-landers as opposed to low-landers). I have come across the term "tat" or "tats" but I am not sure whether it is correct (I have a hunch that this is the name for Jewish inhabitants of North Caucasus). I am aware that there are umpteen ethnic groups in North Caucasus but still may be you have the name for this group - горский народ, горцы.


link 12.06.2006 18:22 
tats won't do -- they are ethnic Iranians from Azerbaijan and Dagestan.

I'd be very surprised should there be a single term for all those people, and purely on geographical basis at that. You'll probably have to settle on some monstrosity like 'The mountain dwellers of N. Caucasus'
I hope you are not translating verse. :)

 Mini Me

link 12.06.2006 19:54 

There can be the only one


link 13.06.2006 4:28 
(weevils) :))


link 13.06.2006 5:41 
кроме highlanders, можно, имхо: Mountain People


link 13.06.2006 6:35 
Mountain Peoples of the Caucasus - горские народы Кавказа


link 13.06.2006 6:48 


link 13.06.2006 13:30 
mountaineers - альпинисты


link 13.06.2006 13:39 
I guess Highlanders will do for the purpose even if we can assume they are capable mountain climbers:)))


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