

link 2.02.2006 10:17 
Subject: diameter error ca. o,2 um
Is it also possible to machine these materials in the qualities you have mentioned on the flyer (diameter error ca. 0,2 um, sphericity error ca. 0,2 um)? Помогите перевести фразу...

Вот весь текст:As I already mentioned, we and also our client is interested in the performance of some tests. We have already asked to get some material from them, that will be forwarded to you. But I would like to ask one question in advance: The materials which needs to be machined are diamond and sapphire. Further material properties are unknown at the moment. What do you think: Is it also possible to machine these materials in the qualities you have mentioned on the flyer (diameter error ca. 0,2 um, sphericity error ca. 0,2 um)? I am asking since we think that by machining these extremely hard materials, several problems might occur.


link 2.02.2006 10:24 
diameter error ca. 0,2 um - ошибка/погрешность диаметра приблизительно 0,2 микрона (мкм)


link 2.02.2006 10:26 
Я надеюсь Вы поняли, что "um" это "µm" - микрометры?



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