

link 9.12.2005 15:46 
Subject: Non-cooperative jurisdiction law
Контекст: нету, кроме того, что это термин, использующийся в US Patriots Act.

 Анатолий Д

link 9.12.2005 16:20 
по догадке, не читая закона - юрисдикция (страна), которая не идет на сотрудничество (с кем, понятно? в чем, понятно?)


link 9.12.2005 16:42 
Anatoly is right. Patriot Act talks about non-cooperative jurisdictions as those which do not necessarily cooperate with U.S. efforts. One of the sections of PA talks about efforts to prevent money laundering involving banks in "non-cooperative jurisdictions," for example.

Here is the text of Patriot Act. You can do text search on "noncooperative". Note that for some reason they spelt the word as “noncooperative.” (I would think there should be a hyphen there.)

 Анатолий Д

link 9.12.2005 17:19 

The USG style guide tends to recommend solid spelling in cases like that

6.2. Two-word forms, which often acquired the hyphen first, frequently bypass the hyphen stage and instantly assume a one-word form.
6.3. The rules, therefore, are somewhat flexible. Exceptions must necessarily be allowed. Current language trends continue to point to closing up certain words which, through either frequent use or widespread dissemination through modern media exposure, have become fixed in the reader’s mind as units of thought.

6.29. Print solid combining forms and prefixes, except as indicated elsewhere.


They even recommend "nonneutral" (6.29)


link 9.12.2005 17:37 
Anatoly, thanks. I kind of recall from my college English class that it should be spelt as one word, but, I admit, these days I rely more on my Word spell checker (probably, misguided practice), and it just doesn't recognize the word without the hyphen. But thanks for the reference.


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