

link 9.11.2005 11:39 
Subject: fly to help gram.
Попросили вчера перевести одну фразу из какого-то учебника по англицкому. Выглядит это так:

________ he fly to help the people?
Yes, he __________.

прочитал. долго смеялся.


link 9.11.2005 11:45 
так, в чем вопрос? :-) тут нужен вспом. глагол. does, did, will. или что?

 Артур Даштоян

link 9.11.2005 12:03 
а речь наверняка о бетмене ))


link 9.11.2005 12:06 
it can be about anyone really.
to fly to help - to run to help; to respond very very quickly to the need for help
we also have fly to the rescue

but if it is an english text book and new - batman to the rescue! if its old - superman to the rescue! :)


link 9.11.2005 12:25 
definitely it is not about batman. There’s a photo, he looks like an absoluteky normal man. So your version about “run for help” seams quite reasonable, but… tell me, what moron sets such slang question for the entry-level students?


link 9.11.2005 12:31 

entry level can handle this
entry level also needs to be learing some idiomatic expressions and this is one they will see A LOT in types of materials they will be able to read after or during entry level (children's book, comics, jokes)

my entry level students also learned these sorts of things and loved it... it is more fun and more memorable than plain and boring language..... it keeps interest in the language and enriches a person's language skills :)

 Truth Seeker

link 9.11.2005 19:48 
DpoH, pay attention when reading posts:
run to help and run for help have different meanings: бежать на помощь и бежать за помощью


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