

link 13.02.2021 15:36 
Subject: Once the engagement has begun
Добрый вечер.

Коллеги, прошу помощи в переводе маркетингового исследования.

Once the engagement has begun, however, the executive usually takes the driver’s seat.

Не совсем ясно, что есть engagement и driver’s seat.

 Amor 71

link 13.02.2021 15:43 
engagement - переход от разговоров к делу. Серьезный бизнес.

driver’s seat - образно. Берет бразды в свои руки.


link 13.02.2021 15:43 
более широкий контекст

Usually the company is represented by human resources or by the executive’s manager. You told us that more than half of your engagements are initiated by an organization that has decided to get a coach for one of its executives (Q4). Once the engagement has begun, however, the executive usually takes the driver’s seat. He or she decides whether the match feels correct and if the meetings are to proceed (Q5). While the engagement focuses on the individual, the organization paying for the coaching service should know the value it receives for the investment. Most of you (nearly 70%) keep the executive’s manager informed of progress, and 55% communicate with HR.

см. пункт 3



link 13.02.2021 17:32 
И про это военное значение слова "engagement" не забывайте:



link 14.02.2021 18:01 
'to take the driver's seat' (figurative) = 'to play the lead role' / 'to take control' -- as when driving a car.


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