

link 11.05.2020 12:57 
Subject: перевод судебного решения
the Tribunal must satisfy itself that prima facie the Annex VII arbitral tribunal would have jurisdiction;

подскажите пожалуйста, как в данном предложении перевести prima facie the Annex VII arbitral tribunal?


link 11.05.2020 16:17 
'prima facie' (legal) = 'at first sight', ie looking at the facts/evidence for the first time, and without studying them in detail.

'arbitral tribunal' = a tribunal which acts as an arbiter (between two or more parties to a dispute).

'Annex VII arbitral tribunal' -- I've no idea. You need to show the context, such as the country and type of activity that this refers to, so that someone with a legal background -- not me -- can (possibly) try to work it out for you.

'to have jurisdiction' (here) = 'to have jurisdiction over this case', ie to be the appropriate court to decide on this case.


link 11.05.2020 16:22 


link 12.05.2020 15:08 
I'm not an expert on maritime law, but judging from the English Wikipedia,

'Annex VII arbitral tribunal' is probably shorthand for '(the/an) arbitral tribunal constituted in accordance with Annex VII of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea'

-- see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permanent_Court_of_Arbitration > 6.3 Interstate arbitration based on UNCLOS for details.

Searches in Google give the Russian for this as 'третейский суд, созданный в соответствии с Приложением VII Конвенции ООН по морскому праву'. Something like that, anyway.


link 12.05.2020 15:59 


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