

link 16.06.2019 11:02 
Subject: single invoice transaction/ dual invoice transaction busin.
Подскажите, пожалуйста, что означают термины "single invoice transaction/ dual invoice transaction".Примерs использования:

Assigned orders automatically (in the case  of single-invoice transactions) or with manual input  (in the case of dual-invoice transactions). Immediately after you have logged in, the summary of orders shows you all your assigned orders automatically (in the case of single-invoice transactions) or with manual input (in the case of dual-invoice transactions). 

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link 16.06.2019 11:23 
См. https://www.ceifx.com/news/428/How-Companies-Save-Money-with-a-Dual-Invoice-for-International-Payments по поводу  dual invoice:

Unknown or Hidden Costs Found on International Suppliers' Invoices

Additionally, you may also see another two - five percent charge from your bank or credit card company to send international payments. These hidden charges on a USD invoice can easily add up to thousands of dollars for many businesses. While some might think paying a supplier in US dollars is no big deal, the truth is there’s only one way to understand the real cost your business is paying. The solution is called a dual invoice, which is a real eye-opener for many once they learn how to read a dual invoice, calculate costs, and determine the best method of payment. How to Read a Dual Invoice to Pay International Suppliers

Below is an example of a dual invoice. Taking a closer look at a dual invoice helps you compare two prices of different currencies side by side. Getting a quote from CXI then allows you to find out if it is better to send payment in USD or in the supplier’s local currency.   What Are the Benefits of a Dual Invoice After reviewing how to read a dual invoice and calculate costs, now you can clearly make a more informed decision. If you didn’t receive the dual invoice, you’d have no idea of all the savings potential your business can have. It also unlocks the following benefits for your business:  - Saves you money and reduces currency conversion costs [if gte vml 1]> [if !vml]-->-    Gives you more information to choose the best international payment option [if gte vml 1]> [if !vml]-->-    Strengthens your company’s buying power with international suppliers How to Get a Dual Invoice

A dual invoice is considered one of the most cost-effective and efficient ways to save the most with international payments.

Request a call  from our team of international payment experts who can help you fully understand all the benefits of a dual invoice and put in place a strategy to help your business succeed. Then get your free  Ultimate Guide for International Payments whitepaper  and unleash the true potential of your international payments.

Это про счет, выставляемый в двух видах валюты. Соответственно,  dual invoice transaction - сделка, по которой счета выставляются в двух валютах (примерно так, может быть, можно покороче).

Аналогичным образом ищете single invoice transaction (хотя  и так ясно  - ...в одной валюте).


link 16.06.2019 13:13 
аскер вчера на немецком форуме аналогичный вопрос задал - там было про поставки кузовов к грузовикам, прямые - single invoice transaction, где производитель кузовов - генподрядчик, и косвенные (через посредника) - dual-invoice transactions, где производитель кузовов - субпоставщик


так что хорошо бы разобраться


link 16.06.2019 13:44 
Спасибо, Alex 16


link 16.06.2019 13:51 
так Вы же вчера контекст про субпоставщиков привели

Das Zweirechnungsgeschäft: Keine direkte Geschäftsbeziehungen zwischen Aufbauhersteller und LKW-Hersteller

Das Einrechnungsgeschäft/ Generalunternehmerschaft: Aufbauhersteller verkauft Aufbau an  LKW-Hersteller

без никакой валюты


link 16.06.2019 15:39 
Пусть аскер сам разбирается, о чем там речь.


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