
 Lonely Knight

link 23.04.2018 8:07 
Subject: quotation marks and adjacent punctuation gen.
Всем привет!
Немного затупил. Если я юзаю american style (точка и запятая после прямой речи идет в кавычках), то в случае, если закавычена не прямая речь, а название - я действую так же?

My favourite poem is Robert Frost’s “Design.”

Ведь наплевать, что именно закавычено?


link 23.04.2018 8:17 
нет, в данном примере Вы ничего не закавычиваете, а название поэмы даете курсивом.


link 23.04.2018 8:35 
My favorite poem is Design by Robert Frost.


link 23.04.2018 9:27 


link 23.04.2018 13:50 
На будущее:
The period and the comma fall within quotation marks; the colon and semicolon fall outside quotation marks unless they are part of the quotation. The dash, question mark, and exclamation point fall within quotation marks when they refer to the quoted matter only; they fall outside when they refer to the entire sentence.


link 23.04.2018 13:55 
Это больше о прямой речи и цитатах, с которыми вопросов не возникает.
Вот по моей ссылке дядька и пишет, что так нужно делать даже если закавычено одно слово или словосочетание (например, scare quotes) - закавычено просто как слово / словосочетание (название - частный и нестандартный случай).


link 24.04.2018 13:51 
Quotation marks should be used for new words, words used in а new sense (such as technical terms used in а nonstandard sense), or words not used literally. Generally, use quotation marks only the first time the word appears in the text. Occasionally, it may be necessary to repeat the quotation marks throughout the text. Russian authors tend to use this punctuation more often than Americans; you should try to minimize the use of this awkward construction.
Use quotation marks to enclose short direct quotations.
In the book Megarrends, Naisbitt concludes that “We are moving from the specialist who is soon obsolete to the generalist who can adapt.”
Put quotation marks on both sides of section, chapter, or paragraph names when they are cross-referenced within the text.
See “Materials and Methods” for description of the reaction conditions.
The official title of а conference, meeting, exhibition, etc., is not enclosed in quotation marks:
4th International Well Control Conference
However, а substantive title given to а conference is enclosed in quotation marks:
“Investments in Petroleum Production,” an international symposium on economic development
When а quotation is used as а syntactic part of а sentence, it begins with а lowercase letter, even though the original is а complete sentence beginning with а capital letter; however, if the quotation is not syntactically dependent on the rest of the sentence, the initial letter is capitalized.
Grandmother remarked that “а stitch in time saves nine.”
As Grandmother often said, “А stitch in time saves nine.”


link 24.04.2018 16:12 
Да. Да. Да.


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