

link 6.06.2017 19:46 
Subject: lock against gen.
Подскажите, пожалуйста, как перевести здесь глагол -lock against-? Спасибо. (Telescoping boom wear pad improvements) There is generally a locking cover which is also screwed into the adjuster housing female thread to lock against the steel adjuster and prevent movement.


link 6.06.2017 20:48 
To 'lock against (sth)' sounds slightly strange. I would guess that it means either 'to lock onto the steel adjuster' or possibly 'to lock in position, touching the steel adjuster'.


link 6.06.2017 20:55 
не немцы ли писали? т.к. там как раз gegen


link 6.06.2017 21:57 
Erdferkel: They could have. If you google the text, it may possibly have come from/via this Swiss German document:

http://www.google.ch/patents/WO2016061612A1?cl=en .

The English in it is near-perfect, but there are two or three slightly strange terms in it. It refers to 'Maintenance Technique Pty Ltd'. 'Pty' is an Australian or South African company name abbreviation. 'Gavin Cunningham' is a Scottish name, but there are lots of Scottish families abroad, of course. The German may explain more, but you'll understand that much better than me!

Надежная фиксация (т.е. до упора).


link 7.06.2017 19:31 
спасибо, написала для фиксации на...


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