

link 1.08.2016 10:51 
Subject: Артикли gambl.
Уважаемые друзья, интересует 'a' или 'the' перед 'player'. Контекст - описание условий победы в настольной игре. Спасибо.

1. Victory 1. The player, having 12 x tokens, wins.
2. Victory 2. The player, having 15 y tokens, wins.
3. Victory 3. The player, having 20 z tokens, wins.


link 1.08.2016 10:59 
писали русские или китайцы?


link 1.08.2016 11:01 
Жители приграничных районов.


link 1.08.2016 11:04 
с "Victory", "a Victory" или "the Victory" сомнений не было?


link 1.08.2016 11:07 
Вместо 'Victory' был кусок текста, который я вырезал (к делу не относится), равно как и условия победы были сложнее. Вопрос про 'player'.


link 1.08.2016 11:19 
запятая перед having и после tokens не нужна - это не русский язык.

попробуйте еще

"The player who collected 12 x tokens wins."
"The player with 12 x tokens wins."
"The coin star award is given to the player who collected the most coins overall during the game, the mini-game star award is awarded to the player who collected the most coins in mini-games, and the player who landed on the most "?" spaces earns the Happening Star."



"The player who collected the most prestige points wins."



link 1.08.2016 11:22 
Большое спасибо!


link 1.08.2016 11:25 
меня когда-то смущал неопределенный артикль во фразе "You're a winner!" после прохождения очередного этапа в видеоиграх, а также определенный артикль в сочетании "the wrong person", например.

но все это объяснимо, если задуматься. :))

 Supa Traslata

link 1.08.2016 12:15 
"the wrong person" - именно тот самый не тот человек


link 1.08.2016 12:46 
ST, я же говорю, что задумался и понял. Просто в первый момент мысль была - вот один человек, который правильный (понятно, что the right person), а неправильных ведь может быть несколько! :)


link 1.08.2016 12:49 
**а неправильных ведь может быть несколько**
а правильных может быть несколько?

 Supa Traslata

link 1.08.2016 12:53 
Еще как.

 SirReal moderator

link 1.08.2016 20:02 
Приведите исходный текст на русском.
Исправлять такой английский невозможно.


link 2.08.2016 23:43 
SirReal +1

Use 'The player' if only one player can collect/amass 12/15/20 tokens. Use 'A player' if more than one player can.

As it's explaining the general rules of a game, 'collects' should be in the present tense.

Use 'collects' if the player gets 12/15/20 tokens in one go; if he/she gets them gradually (builds them up), use 'accumulates' or 'amasses'.

Take out all six commas as Aiduza says, otherwise you'll have Runglish.

'Victory' is quite a powerful word to use if these are instructions for playing a board game. It's typically used in wars, elections and physical sports, and in situations (such as industrial disputes) which you're likening to a battle for dramatic effect -- but 'win' is more common with board games/card games. Don't ask me why.... Also I'm not sure exactly what you mean by Victory 1, 2 and 3.

However, to be sure that you're translating all of the above accurately, you need to show the Russian/original, as SirReal says.


link 3.08.2016 1:00 
замените Victory на Win, например.


link 3.08.2016 3:25 
Concerning "the wrong person", this is still a bit of a mystery for me. Here are discussions on SE:





link 4.08.2016 21:57 


The answers to this are quite complex as the differences between 'a winner' and 'the winner' in examples such as the one you quote, can be quite subtle.

You can say 'You're THE winner' if you want to specify that the person is the winner out of a GROUP of people who are playing, in a game which can only have one winner (whereas none of the other players in the group are the winner). In other words, the definite article is used to IDENTIFY the person in the group who has won.

'You're THE winner' is also used where 'You're the winner (on this occasion/this week/this month/etc)' is implied. So this would be used even if someone else won last week, and someone else the week before that, so that there were actually several 'winners' around.

'You're A winner' is used instead of 'You're THE winner' with games where the person is playing alone. This is because you can't identify someone as being 'THE winner' (out of a group of people) if they're the only person playing -- just as you wouldn't say 'You're the tallest' if they were the only person there; you'd say 'You're a tall person'.

'You're A winner' is also widely used as a set expression in advertising, particularly where some sort of quiz/competition is involved (such as your videogame example), to mean either 'You've won this game/competition', or just 'You've won (sth)', or even just 'You're in luck', to entice people to read the advert more closely. So here 'You're A winner' doesn't necessarily imply that you're one of SEVERAL winners, as it would do normally. I suspect this is how 'You're a winner' is being used in your example.

This is only a partial explanation and doesn't cover every situation, but I hope it helps.

I'll attempt 'wrong person' later!


link 4.08.2016 22:09 
чо тут думать? в третьем классе учат, что пишите, дети, the right - the wrong and don't stuff up your head with things you don't understand.
и вообще


link 4.08.2016 22:14 


This is much easier to explain. The reason we say 'You've chosen THE wrong person' rather than 'You've chosen A wrong person' (because, potentially, there could be lots of 'wrong' people) is, well.... there isn't a reason. It's simply an (illogical) set expression which has developed over time and, like lots of set expressions, doesn't make sense when you look at it closely. However, you have to say 'THE wrong person', because that's what everyone says, and 'A wrong person' definitely isn't English.

That's the sort of question I like -- easy to answer....


link 4.08.2016 22:32 
натрикс: See also:


Well, if Abba and Henry Fonda say it, that's good enough for me....


link 4.08.2016 23:17 


link 5.08.2016 5:54 
To win, one should collect:

 SirReal moderator

link 5.08.2016 8:34 
на всякий случай замечу, что в настольных играх правила должны быть абсолютно четкими и недвусмысленными. это разница между хитом и игрой, которую никто не заметит. поэтому переводчик должен в первую очередь досконально понимать правила, а потом уже их переводить.

переводы типа "to win, one should collect", хотя и имеют право на существование, без контекста могут оказаться даже хуже, чем предложенное аскером (несмотря на более высокую общую грамотность формулировок).


link 5.08.2016 11:29 
SirReal +1

Being able to see the rules is central.


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