

link 27.05.2016 6:36 
Subject: thoroughly trashes и shorting the pension funds нужен перевод polit.
The nonpartisan fiscal watchdog group offers a brutal, detailed assessment of Illinois' finances and thoroughly trashes failed Gov. Bruce Rauner's budget proposals.

- thoroughly trashes?

It notes that to even begin to make his numbers work, Rauner relies on shorting the pension funds, getting unions to agree to lower health benefits, cutting nearly $200 million from a program that keeps seniors out of nursing homes, draining our rainy-day funds, scraping other special funds and selling the James R. Thompson Center.

-shorting the pension funds?


link 27.05.2016 8:06 
- разносит в пух и прах
- сокращает период выплат из (кмк)


link 27.05.2016 21:35 
'thoroughly' (here) = 'completely/totally'.

'to trash (sth, eg a plan/policy/theatre performance/film/etc)' = 'to say that you think (sth) is rubbish'.

 Amor 71

link 27.05.2016 22:50 
shorting the pension funds - сокращение пенсионных фондов


link 27.05.2016 22:59 
>>> сокращение пенсионных фондов

если бы знать, что это значит. Люди долгое отчисляли в пенсионные фонды деньги из своей зарплаты. А тут их раз - сократили. В смысле - изъяли деньги? Что-то не лепится...

 Amor 71

link 27.05.2016 23:52 


Пенсионные фонды для муниципальных работников пополняются за счет казны. Чем меньше расходы на пенсионеров, тем меньше отчисления, тем меньше размер фондов. Зачем фонд в миллиард, если половины достаточно?

 Amor 71

link 27.05.2016 23:54 
///Люди долгое отчисляли в пенсионные фонды деньги из своей зарплаты.///

Другие люди пополняют, а не те, кто получает. Я плачу пенсию минуципальным работникам, а сам оттуда ни копейки не получают и не получу никогда.


link 28.05.2016 8:23 
всем спасибо за ответы! Я думал что-то с продажей фонда связанное.


link 28.05.2016 11:22 
It probably is. A similar thing is happening in Britain. An Indian company which owns a large steelworks in Wales is now trying to sell it off. To make it more attractive to potential buyers, the company wants to reduce the workers' pension fund.

To 'short' a pension fund is an American expression. There isn't a verb 'to short' in UK English, except as electricians' slang for 'to short-circuit'; the verb is usually 'to shorten'.

 Amor 71

link 28.05.2016 13:22 
johnstephenson, there is a difference between private company budget and state budget. Nobody sells off state budget "to make it more attractive to potential buyers". However, you are right. When they write "shorting", they mean "reducing" or "cutting". Because they are criticizing the Governor's plan, they call it shorting, meaning, that funds will be short of money to satisfy all programs for retirees.
That's my opinion.


link 28.05.2016 16:29 
Amor 71 -- I realise that in the Illinois example the employer isn't a private company, it's (presumably) the State of Illinois or some other state body which has to contribute to the pension fund in question.

The 'it' in my Welsh example refers to 'the steelworks' rather than a 'budget', as it's a steelworks (together with its pension fund) that's being sold off. I gave this example purely as an illustration, because the aim in both cases -- state or private -- is to reduce the cost of the scheme to the employer.

You could be right that the fund isn't being sold, unless it's being privatised in some way; I don't know as I haven't followed the story. And you could be right re 'shorting'. I'm not an expert on US pension funds, but presumably it involves a reduction of some sort to reduce the cost of the scheme to the employer.


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