

link 11.11.2015 10:08 
Subject: preservation law
Речь идет о выдаче разрешения на подачу апелляции Апелляционным судом штата Нью-Йорк.

A number of factors go into whether the appeal will be heard. A novel issue of statewide importance will certainly get the attention of the Court. A conflict between two Appellate Divisions is a basis for the Court of Appeals to grant leave to appeal. Nevertheless, factors such as finality, preservation, the clarity with which issues are presented in the record, and the adequacy of briefs previously filed are all considered before a party is given permission to appeal.

finality, preservation ... - окончательный характер, наличие юридической силы (буквально - сохранение в силе)?


link 11.11.2015 11:26 
Спасибо, разобрался, когда нашел прецедент.


link 12.11.2015 10:42 
Alex16, поделитесь с коллективом )


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