

link 15.08.2014 9:25 
Subject: “agency or instrumentality” law
As an initial matter, it should be noted that XXX would not be treated as an “agency or instrumentality” of YYY within the meaning of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (“FSIA”)

не будет считаться агентом или органом...?


link 15.08.2014 9:55 
мне нравится "механизм/аппарат/структура" и некоторые синонимы этих слов


link 15.08.2014 10:07 
Проскакивает "структурой либо учреждением"...


link 15.08.2014 10:26 
Вообще говоря, в Своде законов США (18 USCS § 1839 (1)) есть определение “foreign instrumentality” для целей защиты коммерческих секретов:

the term “foreign instrumentality” means any agency, bureau, ministry, component, institution, association, or any legal, commercial, or business organization, corporation, firm, or entity that is substantially owned, controlled, sponsored, commanded, managed, or dominated by a foreign government

Для других целей, естественно, могут быть другие определения. В деле United States v. Esquenazi (оно касалось отката, выплаченного американской компанией руководителям телекоммуникацинной компании, контролируемой правительством Гаити) одиннадцатый окружной суд определил "instrumentality" как "an entity controlled by the government of a foreign country that performs a function the controlling government treats as its own".

Так что я бы предложил "учреждением или инструментом"...


link 15.08.2014 10:41 
не отстаивая ничего, хочу спросить (хотя это дело вкуса): agency, bureau, ministry, component, institution, association, or any legal, commercial, or business organization, corporation, firm, or entity - все это укладывается в "структуру"? Учреждение - перебор, инструмент - несколько "низко" (только вкус). Вот российские руководители, за спиной которых стоят очень грамотные люди, называют даже "groupings" структурами, ибо это скользкое и ни к чему не убязывающее словцо:)


link 15.08.2014 11:04 
По-моему, не очень. Собственно, об этом и ломаются копья -- в каких случаях коммерческую (вроде бы) организацию стоит признавать "рукой" или "карманом" правительства?


link 15.08.2014 11:08 
Лучше смотреть FSIA:

(b) An “agency or instrumentality of a foreign state” means any entity—
(1) which is a separate legal person, corporate or otherwise, and
(2) which is an organ of a foreign state or political subdivision thereof, or a majority of whose shares or other ownership interest is owned by a foreign state or political subdivision thereof, and
(3) which is neither a citizen of a State of the United States as defined in section 1332 (c) and (e) of this title, nor created under the laws of any third country.


link 15.08.2014 11:09 
а просто "организация" не подойдет в этом случае?


link 15.08.2014 11:16 
NC1, Эссбукетов, naiva,
скромно скажу: да не стоит все этого. Синонимы и вкусы!


link 15.08.2014 11:22 
Да мы, в общем, и не спорим... Просто высказываем мнения, а какое предпочесть -- пусть решает вопрошающий...


link 15.08.2014 11:26 
Грамотно и мудро!


link 15.08.2014 15:12 
Алекс, мне нравится твое "агентом или органом"

 Гриша Перельман

link 15.08.2014 17:25 
As far as I can see, nobody has got it: `instrumentality` deals with the function any one of the entities listed may perform, not the nature (corporation / institution / association etc.). Why? It's so simple. `Instrumentality` comes from `instrumental', let's look up: 'играющий важную роль; служащий орудием (для чего-либо); служащий средством достижения'. The point is not who X is but what X is: he is, literally, `орудие` in the hands of the foreign government. Therefore, no general description of some organization like `структура` hits home. There is a good word `пособник` in Russian, what is meant is the same, although it hardly can be used here. So I would propose `агенты и представители`.


link 15.08.2014 18:14 
Гриша, зачем вы играете в штирлица? ну вот эти все ваши парашюты за спиной, они ж вас с головой выдают... мы тут все отлично говорим по-русски... вам и самому будет проще, чесслово...


link 15.08.2014 18:18 

For purposes of this chapter—
(a) A “foreign state”, except as used in section 1608 of this title, includes a political subdivision of a foreign state or an agency or instrumentality of a foreign state as defined in subsection (b).
(b) An “agency or instrumentality of a foreign state” means any entity
(1) which is a separate legal person, corporate or otherwise, and
(2) which is an organ of a foreign state or political subdivision thereof, or a majority of whose shares or other ownership interest is owned by a foreign state or political subdivision thereof, and
(3) which is neither a citizen of a State of the United States as defined in section 1332 (c) and (e) of this title, nor created under the laws of any third country.


link 15.08.2014 18:19 


link 15.08.2014 18:21 


link 15.08.2014 18:28 
"State instrumentality" means an agency or instrumentality of the Crown or any body (whether or not incorporated) that is established by or under an Act and—
(a) is comprised of persons, or has a governing body comprised of persons, a majority of whom are appointed by the Governor, a Minister or an agency or instrumentality of the Crown; or
(b) is subject to control or direction by a Minister.

Думаю, это СТРУКТУРА.


link 15.08.2014 18:36 
Similarly, the FSIA’s House Report stated that “entities which meet the definition of an ‘agency or instrumentality of a foreign state’ could assume a variety of forms, including a state trading corporation, a mining enterprise, a transport organization such as a shipping line or airline, a steel company, a central bank, an export association, a governmental procurement agency or a department or ministry which acts and is suable in its own name.”



link 15.08.2014 18:40 
Возможно, всё-таки субъект.


link 15.08.2014 18:46 
QUESTION: Mr. Kneedler, in your view, are there
any instrumentalities of the United States that you think
could be considered a person under the Sherman Act?
MR. KNEEDLER: Well, I - I think that there are
no instrumentalities that are constituent parts of the
United States Government itself that could - that could be
held liable. The word instrumentality is used in a - in a
somewhat vague sense, elastic sense, and I think it would
be necessary to look at the particular statute to see how
much of a governmental character a particular entity has.


link 15.08.2014 18:48 
Финальный ответ - СУБЪЕКТ.


link 16.08.2014 6:36 
Послушаю Оксану. В некоторых разделах текста также подходит "организация".


link 16.08.2014 7:03 
А Оксана этого не сказала:)


link 16.08.2014 7:14 
Кстати, instrumentality не тянет на организацую или орган (разве что половой). Обозвать это точно надо иначе.


link 16.08.2014 7:42 
в сети также есть



link 16.08.2014 7:50 
An organization that serves a public purpose and is closely tied to federal and/or state government, but is not a government agency. Many instrumentalities are private companies, and some are chartered directly by state or federal government. Instrumentalities are subject to a unique set of laws that shape their activities.
Fannie Mae, Ginnie Mae, Freddie Mac and Sallie Mae are all federal instrumentalities. So are many other financial services organizations, including the Federal Reserve Banks, national banks, commercial banks, most thrifts, most credit unions and insurance companies.


link 16.08.2014 7:51 
дочернее предприятие/дочерняя компания


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