

link 21.05.2013 6:48 
Subject: the first line in the history of bars, restaurants, and discos may have been gen.
Статья - интервью с основателем сети ресторанов нового типа

It took off extraordinarily quickly. In the first six to nine months, X got written up in Time, Newsweek, and the Saturday Evening Post. Then Y opened up across the street, which was another singles bar. It was really quite a phenomenon.
I believe that the first line in the history of bars, restaurants, and discos may have been at X

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link 21.05.2013 6:58 
line = очередь ?

... первая в истории баров, ресторанов,... очередь ...


link 21.05.2013 8:07 

контекст оборван)))
I believe that the first line in the history of bars, restaurants, and discos may have been at T.G.I. Friday’s. Inside of three months, we had to hire a doorman. One night I was tending bar, and he walked up to me and said, “Listen, there’s a dozen people standing outside, and we have no tables and no room at the bar.


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