

link 6.03.2013 18:39 
Subject: high-voltage stations med.appl.
Проверка ампул с лекарственным продуктом на герметичность.

The ampoules are loaded into the machine(s) and analyzed by high-voltage stations. The ampoules enter the machine through a conveyor belt and then are turned from the horizontal position to a vertical orientation. The ampoules are vibrated to allow the solution to reach the top seal area of the ampoule. They are moved through the four stations of testing while the glass is checked for defects by applying a high voltage at a proper frequency to each individual unit. The defective ampoules are separated from the batch.

Как правильно обозвать эти high-voltage stations??

Станции для испытаний методом пробоя??

Заранее благодарен.


link 6.03.2013 19:00 
Проверка герметичности высокой частотой и высоким напряжением


link 6.03.2013 19:13 


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