

link 30.01.2012 19:31 
Subject: we place them on a continuum gen.
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we place them on a continuum
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There is a large range of sporting activities each requiring a set of skills. Skills have many characteristics that can change in different situations, which makes classifying them difficult. Accepting that skills cannot be neatly labelled, we place them on a continuum.
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link 30.01.2012 19:33 
приводим в совокупности


link 30.01.2012 19:38 
Добавляю контекст. Думаю что "continuum" в контексте имеет другое значение. Может, что то вроде "окружающей обстановки"?

Skill classification systems are based on the view that motor skills are affected by three factors:

how precise a movement is

whether the movement has a definite beginning and end

whether the environment affects the performance of the skill

The Gross and Fine Continuum (Davis 2000)

This continuum is concerned with the precision of movement - gross and fine skills.

Gross skills: involve large muscle movements which are not very precise and include many fundamental movement patterns such as walking, running and jumping. The shot putt is an example of a primarily gross skill.

Fine skills: involve intricate precise movements using small muscle groups and generally involve high levels of hand-eye coordination. A snooker shot or playing the piano are examples of fine skills.

The Open and Closed Continuum (Galligan 2000)

This continuum is concerned with the effects of the environment on skills (Knapp 1967)


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