

link 24.06.2011 2:33 
Subject: Проверьте, пожалуйста. Договор аренды notar.

Прошу помощи в проверке следующего абзаца:

Данный пункт вступает в силу при подписании акта о техническом состоянии оборудования со стороны Арендатора и Арендодателя в течение 3-х рабочих дней с момента его составления. Если в вышеуказанный срок Арендодатель не получает от Арендатора подписанный акт, техническое состояние оборудование считается неоспариваемым Арендатором, и Арендатор обязуется возместить полную стоимость такого Оборудования, либо при целесообразности проведения ремонта Оборудования, возместить Арендодателю расходы на выполнение ремонта и замену требуемых деталей в полном объеме, а также компенсировать время простоя Оборудования из расчета: 1 (один) календарный день простоя приравнивается к 1 (одному) календарному дню аренды Оборудования.

This clause comes into force after Lessor and Lessee signing of Act of equipment technical state within 3 (three) working days since the moment of its compilation. If within aforesaid period the Lessor doesn’t receive from Lessee the signed Act, the equipment technical state is considered as unquestioned by Lessee and Lessee is obliged to reimburse the full cost of such equipment or cost for repair or replace of necessary parts full-scale if the repair is required, as well as to compensate shutdown time on the basis: 1 calendar day of shutdown time is equal to 1 calendar day of Equipment leasing.

Большевато, знаю..



link 24.06.2011 2:49 
technical condition of the equipment


link 24.06.2011 2:52 
\\ ... вступает в силу при подписании акта о ... в течение 3-х рабочих дней с момента его составления \\

как это?
составили акт 14 марта. подписали 11 апреля.
он что, с 17 марта таким задним числом оказался в силе??


link 24.06.2011 3:02 
Фиг знает, я к рус. тексту отношения не имею

Я так поняла, что подписание в течение 3х дней с момента составления.


link 24.06.2011 6:08 
after Lessor and Lessee - ПОСЛЕ подписания, а не ПРИ подписании


link 24.06.2011 6:18 
А надо как, on signing?


link 24.06.2011 6:29 
Блин, да че у меня седня форум как слон тупит!

Вот, в Алешу меня превратил!


link 24.06.2011 6:30 
пост 9:18 не мой:-)
Act of equipment technical state - нинада:-)
consider- equipment condition record


link 24.06.2011 7:22 
doesn’t тоже нельзя:-)
договор-же всё-таки, а не «письмецо в конверте»:-)


link 24.06.2011 10:35 
This clause shall take effect upon the signing of the Equipment Technical Condition Certificate by Lessee and Lessor within 3 business days of its being drawn up. If within the abovementioned period Lessor fails to receive the signed certificate from Lessee, it shall be deemed that Lessee has not questioned the technical condition of the Equipment, and Lessor shall [be required to] reimburse [Lessee for] either the full cost of such Equipment or, should it prove feasible to repair the Equipment, the cost of full repair and replacement of the relevant parts, and shall compensate [Lessee for] the Equipment downtime based on 1 calendar day of downtime being equal to 1 calendar day of lease of the Equipment.


link 24.06.2011 10:35 
This clause shall take effect upon the signing of the Equipment Technical Condition Certificate by Lessee and Lessor within 3 business days of its being drawn up. If within the abovementioned period Lessor fails to receive the signed certificate from Lessee, it shall be deemed that Lessee has not questioned the technical condition of the Equipment, and Lessor shall [be required to] reimburse [Lessee for] either the full cost of such Equipment or, should it prove feasible to repair the Equipment, the cost of full repair and replacement of the relevant parts, and shall compensate [Lessee for] the Equipment downtime based on 1 calendar day of downtime being equal to 1 calendar day of lease of the Equipment.


link 24.06.2011 11:28 
в данном случае "при подписании" = "при условии подписания"

this provision shall become effective subject to the certificate being signed by both the lessee and the lessor within 3 working/business days...
if no such certificate is signed by the lessee and received by the lessor within the said time, the lessee shall be deemed to have accepted the equipment as being in good order/condition


link 24.06.2011 11:57 
This clause shall [only?] take effect if the Equipment Technical Condition Certificate is signed by [and between] Lessee and Lessor within 3 business days of its being drawn up. [Failing that,] Lessee shall be deemed to have raised no questions regarding [...shall be deemed not to have questioned or challenged in any manner] the condition of the Equipment, and Lessor shall [be required to] reimburse [etc.]


link 25.06.2011 7:31 
а если "when the Lessor and the Lessee sign..."?

это "when" многое объясняет.


link 25.06.2011 11:11 
Спасибо огромное за ответы! Выручили)


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